Errors On Your Credit Report Can Be Fixed - You Just Have To Take Action

You've just discovered that there are errors on your credit report - what do you do?

You've just discovered that there are errors on your credit report - what do you do?

If you have discovered errors, you will no doubt see that your credit score is lowered because of them. Despite the impact these errors have on your credit report, errors can be fixed. It's even possible to remove negative items as well - such as references to late payments or other negative issues - without help from companies that charge for the help but offer no real service.

First of all, you should make a copy of your credit report and circle each item you believe is negative or incorrect. Next, write a letter to the reporting agency, and request an investigation to resolve the issues. If you have supporting paperwork, send copies along with the letter. You should send the letter and supporting materials via certified mail, with a return receipt requested, so you know the package is received.

If your dispute involves personal information like current address, enclose a copy of your driver's license or a recent utility bill to verify your resident. Make sure the utility bill is in your name.

The credit bureau will conduct an investigation, contacting your creditors to verify the information. If it's found to be incorrect, it has to be removed, and the bureau will send you a free copy of your credit report to show you the change has been made.

If the requested changes aren't made, the creditor or bureau must provide you with a written notice that explains why. You can request a second investigation if you still disagree.

For negative entries, write a letter to your creditor and request removal. If you are up to date on payments or the account has been paid off, they will comply. This includes items you've paid off but that weren't removed or are inaccurately reflected on your credit report.


Tags: credit credit reporting, credit report, finance, money

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