Escape Artist To Attempt Death Defying Escape At Bottom Of The Ohio River.
Online, October 26, 2010 ( - Escape Artist to attempt death defying escape at bottom of the Ohio river.
America's Escape Hero Michael Griffin Set to attempt breaking free from handcuffs and legirons chained to cement cinder block while being dragged to bottom of the Ohio river as a special sneak peak for upcoming show Oct. 30 at Lafayette Hotel, Marietta, OH
MARIETTA, OH, October 26 / -- Michael Griffin, America's Escape Hero, and History's only 2 Time Winner of TV's World Magic Awards for Best Escape Artist ( Will openly challenge death with a special one of a kind escape dare having his hands secured in shackles, chains and locked to a 20 pound cement cinder block which will drag him to the bottom of the Ohio River Friday Oct 29 at 12:00PM on the Public dock located at the corner of Front and Post Street in Marietta, OH. As a special sneak preview for his show Saturday night 8:00PM Oct 30 at the historic Lafayette Hotel (
Why is Michael Griffin willing to challenge death by drowning handcuffed, shackled and weighted down? According to Griffin's reps Michael wants to accomplish 2 things; The first is to give the best free show and thrill I can to the onlookers who may not be able to get into our show Sat Night at the Lafayette. I realize in this economy money is tight so hopefully this "trial version" of our show will give them something to talk about and maybe upgrade to the full show Sat Oct.30 at the Lafayette Hotel. Also, Griffin really wants to show people that if he lives or dies it is purely by his talents as America's Escape Hero and not by Chris Angel style camera tricks and paid stooges. Griffin claims "live or die" this will be no Chris Angel fake stuff, so come on down to the dock Fri at high noon and be a part of the challenge before the show Sat night at the Lafayette.
About Michael Griffin
Performing astonishing escapes and setting records around the World for over two decades, 2-time World Magic Award Winning Master of Escape, Michael Griffin is considered the Greatest Living Escape Artist.
He is the ONLY escape artist to ever attempt and survive a thirteen-knot Hangman's Noose in 52 seconds! He has also escaped from a solid steel hermetically sealed airtight casket with a submarine style hatch locking the outside. Griffin has also escaped from handcuffs, ropes, locks, leg irons and chains from a maximum-security jail cell, the ice-covered Ohio River and from the silty bottom of the Pacific Ocean. But the spectacular underwater escapes don't end there! He has been shackled hand and foot with a 65-pound ball and chain wrapped tight around his neck and lowered headfirst by a crane to the bottom of a lagoon.
Griffin is the only escape artist granted permission to reenact Houdini's 1912 death-defying underwater crate escape. He successfully escaped within 45 seconds after being bound, handcuffed and sealed inside Houdini's 90 year-old original packing crate lowered into the depths of Florida's hurricane-kissed Intercoastal waters...just 5 days before the 76th anniversary of Houdini's death. And of course, Griffin put an additional spin on this by re-entering the crate again returning to the surface clutching the handcuffs taking the escape beyond the level of what Houdini did himself. What's the secret? It's Griffin's strong mind, conviction, heart and belief system setting apart this distinguished performer from all others. "I do not use drugs or alcohol. I never have and I never will. I simply do not believe in their illusion, nor the illusion of negative thinking which is the toughest strait jacket we will ever face; but, if you put your mind to it, and you believe in yourself, you will always escape"
Contact: Outrajus Productions (mailto:[email protected]) Tel: 323.952.4278
Source: Outrajus Productions (
Tags: chris angel, escape artist, houdini, magic, michael griffin