Europe's Carbon Offset Shame - "Carbon Hill Inc"

"Carbon Hill Inc"-European industrial companies are buying their way out of green obligations.

Analysts at Carbon Hill Inc are thought to have condemned the actions of major European steel makers and power companies who have been systematically shirking their commitment to greener industry by purchasing carbon offsets which pay for environmentally friendly projects in developing nations.

Carbon Hill Inc apparently told investors that the offsets helped the companies to avoid the high cost of becoming greener operations. Under normal circumstances, the European Union's cap-and-trade program would penalize them financially for not cleaning up these operations.

Calls for the EU executive to tighten its cap-and-trade program are being welcomed by "Carbon Hill Inc" who agree with the fact that more needs to be done to make sure that the use of offsets in this manner does not become common practice.

Apparently, Spanish energy company Endesa SA purchased offsets worth 25% of its total emissions. Similarly, German steel maker ThyssenKrupp AG offset 29.6% of its emissions and Italian power company Enel SpA purchased offsets for 12.4 percent of its carbon output.

Carbon Hill Inc said that businesses ought to be making every possible endeavor to attain higher environmental standards rather than attempting to "scrape by" with bare minimum levels of compliance.


Tags: carbon, Carbon Hill, Carbon Hill Inc, carbonhill, Hill Inc

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