Evander Holyfield Bank Account Is Headed For Empty While His Pastor Creflo Dollar Is Still Sitting Pretty.

For those in the church community who may have missed this story, listed below you will find a brief summary of the legal battle that ensued over donations made to Creflo Dollar Ministries as reported to www.PimpPreacher.com

October 8, 2010

Atlanta, GA - If there was ever proof that giving 10% of your income to a Prosperity Preacher is not a good idea then all anyone has to do is look at Evander Holyfield. In a climatic legal setting that once featured Evander Holyfield, Janice Holyfield (his 2nd wife), Judge Miller, and Creflo Dollar, the actual battle was over the amount of money that was donated to one church.

For those in the church community who may have missed this story, listed below you will find a brief summary of the legal battle that ensued over donations made to Creflo Dollar Ministries as reported to www.PimpPreacher.com

Act 1 -Attorneys for Mrs. Holyfield requested a deposition from Creflo Dollar in order to determine the exact amount of donations made to Creflo Dollar Ministries by former Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield. Creflo Dollar refused to comply with the court order stating that the order was it in fact a violation of constitutional provisions for the separation of church and state and pastor-parishioner privilege. With Creflo Dollar's refusal to comply with a court order, Judge Miller found the minister in contempt of court.

Act 2 - Creflo Dollar makes an appeal to the Supreme Court of Georgia but his case was eventually dismissed by the court. As part of a divorce and paternity case, Mrs. Holyfield's attorneys sought a line item explanation for the donations (tithes) that Evander Holyfield gave to Creflo Dollar during their marriage which totaled close to $7 million. Holyfield claims in an interview with ESPN that he will tithe before any other obligations such as paying his mortgage. The interview was from a show ESPN produced about the relationships between stars and televangelists.

Act 3 - In February off this year Candi Holyfield (Evander Holyfield's 3rd wife) accused him of a violent act against her in the presence of the couple's two children. Candi Holyfield filed for a protective order against her husband. The protective order states that Mr. Holyfield is not allowed within 500 yards of Candi Holyfield, and that he have no contact with the couple's two children. The incident allegedly began because the heat was cut off in the couple's home, and Candi Holyfield attempted to discuss it with her husband. During this same time frame Evander Holyfield faced a foreclosure auction of his famous mansion which could have added to the problems during his brief marriage to Candi Holyfield.

The good news for Evander Holyfield is that he was able to get his house off in the auction block as confirmed by the lender. Despite the fact that Evander Holyfield's 54,000-square-foot home is no longer in foreclosure it still brings into question the claims made by prosperity preachers that giving large sums of money to their ministries will gain you favor with God.

Whether Mr. Holyfield is actually flat broke is not the question. What really is at stake is the truth behind the prosperity gospel propaganda that your blessing is connected to the amount of money you give to the ministry. According to the top three prosperity preachers (Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, and Benny Hinn) if a believer faithfully gives 10% of their income to the church then blessings will start to pour in. As we examine the Evander Holyfield story in which he has donated millions of dollars to Creflo Dollar ministries, it has many people asking where are the returns on investment for Mr. Holyfield.

Evander Holyfield is just one in a long list of faithful members of prosperity preachers who donated millions of dollars only to discover that the only person who prospered was the Pastor of the Church. Ron Collins a spokesperson for the Church Folk Revolution says that prosperity preachers are doing more harm than good when it comes to the issue of tithes & offerings.

"This idea that you can buy your way into heaven by donating large sums of money to prosperity preachers has left the door open for all sorts of scams and cons. On one hand you can't claim that God is sovereign and powerful but on the other hand you present him as broke and in desperate need of money. We believe that God values our time in worship and charity far more than the money we donate to a charismatic preacher. "

The Church Folk Revolution's website www.PimpPreacher.com, has experienced a nonstop flow of unique visitors to the site ever since the Bishop Eddie Long Scandal made breaking news. Ron Collins says that many of the people that visited the site had no idea that prosperity preachers were indulging themselves in lifestyles that many members could only dream of.

"If you really want to do something for the Kingdom of God then take the money that you would normally send to one of these prosperity preachers and pay the light bill for an elderly person within your own community. When you give money to these mega-churches you are actually funding their lavish lifestyles."

If the claims of the prosperity preachers were actually true then Evander Holyfield would be a poster child for peace, prosperity and tranquility but based on recent court filings we now know that's far from the truth. Evander Holyfield has given over $20 Million to date to Creflo Dollar's World Changers Ministries as reported by John Barr of ESPN.

Pimp Preacher.com has a mission to expose the greed of prosperity preachers like Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland. The group encourages members of these congregations to stop supporting the fleecing of congregations by donating large sums of money to gospel superstars, and start finding real charities that are in need of additional resources. If you would like to contact the Church Folk Revolution then please visit their website www.pimppreacher.com


Tags: 501c3, anti gay preachers, benny hinn & Paula white, benny hinn & paula white affair, benny hinn divorce, bishop eddie long, bishop eddie long scandal, Bishop Kent Branch, bishop randy white, bishop t.d.jakes house, Candi Holyfield, christian conservatives, church folk revolution, congregation, creflo dollar, creflo dollar house, creflo dollar ministries, creflo dollar ministries broadca, donations to Kenneth Copeland Mi, donations to world changers Mini, espn, evander holyfield, evander holyfield and creflo dol, evander holyfield foreclosure, evander holyfield house, false prophets, jamal bryant, jamal parris, Janice Holyfield, jesse duplantis, Jessie Duplantis, joyce meyers, juanita bynum, Kenneth Copeland, kenneth copeland & creflo dollar, kerney thomas, Malachi 3:10, Malachi 3:8, Matthew 10:41, Mega Church Pastors, mega churches, New Birth Missionary Baptist Chu, oral roberts university, Paul Morton, paula white, pimp preacher, prosperity preachers, prosperity preachers exposed, R C Blakes, rod parsley, should I pay tithes, sub prime loans, T. D. Jakes, tbn christian television, Terry Jones, tithes, Tithes And Offerings, trinity broadcasting network, www.pimppreacher.com

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