Even in an Economic Downturn, Salespeople Can Survive & Thrive!Key to Success Is Sell When No One Is Buying

Selling When No One is Buying Masterclass Kuala Lumpur by Rembell Group

The bestselling Amazon Author Steve Schiffman continued his rounded trip with Kuala Lumpur and sales representatives from Malaysia. Having on board representatives from different industries such as banking and finance, education, oil and gas made this two days course more exciting as ideas and experiences from all industries where boosting. No matter from which industries you are coming all participants agreed that they are facing challenges such as, retaining client​s, growing the client base, handling failure and rejection and most importantly client-focus dialogues.

As it was a very interactive batch, the participants were able to vent out their thoughts and frustrations related sales, and advise each other on different methods on how to face and overcome their daily sales challenges heads on.  Steve found it easy to connect with the participants and this enabled him to deliver his expertise. Delegates went through a series of interactive customized activities, combined with theoretical sessions, here Steve provided delegates with sufficient tools, models, and real life case studies to help them boost their sales.  Steve truly fascinated participants with his numerous interactive lessons and activities by dividing them into groups to perform real-life scenario role playing, where each person took turns representing a business and a client.

Selling When No One is Buying Masterclass Kuala Lumpur by Rembell Group

Eva Chew, Marketing Manager

Visit our Facebook page for more pictures and updates on this and other events.


Tags: Buying, Kuala Lumpur, Masterclass, Rembell Group, Sales, Selling

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Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
Rembell Group offers an impressive range of technical and soft skills trainings and conferences to a large number of organizations from different industries

Eva Chew
Marketing Manager, Rembell Group Sdn Bhd
Rembell Group Sdn Bhd
Jalan Ampang
Kuala Lumpur