Even Santa Claus Can't Pass This Savings Up From Prograde Nutrition

Prograde Nutrition is making Christmas and the Holidays more affordable for people to stay in shape and healthy and avoid the Holiday weight gain.

They know supplements. They work and they taste great!

As you know, I'm a proud Prograde Nutrition partner, so when something like this comes across my desk, well, I share it with you immediately. Deck the Halls for Supplement Savings!

Prograde is having a heck of a Holiday Blow Out. It's pretty obvious they don't want you "shutting it down" the last couple weeks of December. And I don't want you to either. Look for your Holiday Workout Guide soon!

Believe it or not they are putting all of their awesome products on sale this week for 15% off!

That includes their meal replacement shake Lean.

Their post-workout shake Workout.

Their anti-aging Longevity.

Their whole foods vitamin VGF 25+.

Their Krill Based Omega-3 Supplement Icon.

Their delicious chocolate energy bar Cravers

And their brand new Protein Powder.

Don't think they've ever done this before, and they probably won't do it ever again. Their products are so good and the company is growing so fast they just don't have to.

"These products have simply been wonderful,' says Columbus Personal Trainer Jason Yun, "I use them religiously everyday!'

Don't be a victim of the Holiday weight gain. Start your New Year's Resolution off today!

So my recommendation to you is to get on over to


right NOW and stock up.

This deal expires this Friday, December 11th at 11:59pm EST. But don't wait until later to order. You might get busy, you might forget...and trust me you WILL regret missing out on this if you do.


Tags: Christmas, cravers, diet, holiday, Jason Yun, jayson hunter, new years, Nutrition, Prograde, sale, supplements

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Jason Yun
Press Contact, Yun Strength and Fitness Systems LLC
Yun Strength and Fitness Systems LLC
4825 Farber Row
Columbus, OH 43221