Everlytic Becomes a Member of M³AAWG, a Global Network of Digital Leaders

Everlytic has joined M³AAWG, powerful global organisation working against spam, online exploitation and abuse.

In November 2012, Everlytic joined the eminent digital organisation, M³AAWG.

A powerful global organisation working against spam, online exploitation and abuse, M³AAWG stands for the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group. The organisation addresses messaging abuse, sender issues and other challenges faced by the digital industry. Everlytic believes the organisation's objectives are absolutely in line with its own: to enhance the digital communication industry and the way internet communication evolves through collaboration.

Industry leaders the world over including Internet Service Providers (ISP's), large Email Service Providers (ESP's) and filtering organisations support this organisation for the advancement of email and online communication.

The M3AAWG Board of Directors includes Google, Facebook, Yahoo and other leading digital corporations, with the organisation's membership spanning Asia, Europe, North and South America and now Africa.

Everlytic plans to participate in the M³AAWG Senders Special Interest Group, its Collaboration Committee and its Technical Committee, along with other notable members. (See a complete member list at https://www.maawg.org/about/roster.)
"The very players we deal with on a daily basis to ensure optimal performance of email campaigns, are the collaborators we will work with as part of M³AAWG," said Walter Penfold, Everlytic MD.

"We've joined M³AAWG not as spectators but as contributors. We bring to the table our experience as an ESP that deals with the same issues on a daily basis in Africa that are faced by our international counterparts. We've fostered relationships with ISP's over the years and have a wealth of locally relevant information to share with the world" said Sam Hutchinson, Everlytic's Chief Architect.

Everlytic plans to support and assist with contributions to projects, discussions, troubleshooting and deliverables specific to SPAM Regulation and building the framework around email best practices. The Rosebank based company will also be instrumental in ensuring that other M³AAWG members are aware of South African industry statistics and benchmarks.

M3AAWG (www.M3AAWG.org) is where the industry comes together to work against bots, malware, spam, viruses, denial-of-service attacks and otheMAAWGr online exploitation, representing more than one billion mailboxes from some of the largest network operators worldwide. It leverages the depth and experience of its global membership to tackle abuse on existing networks and new emerging services through technology, collaboration and public policy.

"The benefit of membership for a prominent South African player such as Everlytic is first and foremost the recognition as an institution that advocates industry best practices. It's also the perfect opportunity to continue relationship building and discussions with ISP's and filtering houses and work with them towards best practices-based email deliverability for our clients," Walter Penfold, Everlytic MD.


Tags: email marketing, Everlytic, global, MAAWG, spam

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Philani Mdingi
Press Contact, Everlytic