Everything is Discounted Today. Medgotiate™ Asks, Why Not Medical Bills?

The world of insurance in today's marketplace is not only confusing but also costly. Medical bills are sky high. Deductibles are rising.

When a consumer goes shopping, the word, "discount" is seen everywhere. Grocery stores, shopping malls, car dealerships and on and on. Why then are medical bills not discounted?

When the consumer receives a medical bill not covered by the insurance company, Medgotiate becomes a tool to reduce the payment.

Ron Friedman, CEO, Medgotiate

There are reasons why not! Understanding medical codes, not knowing who to ask for discounts at the doctor's office, hospital or medical facility or simply not asking because of the fear the medical facility may not want to do business with the  consumer again. Consumers just do not have the time to negotiate the bill or do not want a possible confrontation or understand the entire process of negotiating.

Consumers who end up with "out of pocket" medical expenses (not covered by insurance) have to face the reality they need to pay the medical bill. Sometimes the bills and deductibles are so high, the anxiety of the bills being turned over to collection companies, filing bankruptcy, etc. can be devastating. Bills such as lab tests, specialized testing, even physician services can be outrageously expensive and not covered by the insurer. A variety of medical costs could arise for an individual or family such as hospitals stays, cancer treatments, drug & medical rehab facilities, eating disorder facilities and much more are expensive and may not be covered by the insurance plan.

So why not get a discount on medical bills? Consumers not knowing to secure a settlement agreement to the new negotiated amount is a fundamental part of the negotiating process.

If an audit of the provider's open accounts shows both the original and the settlement amount and the audit cannot verify a settlement was achieved, a subsequent bill asking for the balance could be received. What happens when a person negotiated with someone who no longer works at the doctor's office, hospital or medical facility and cannot verify the conversation or verbal agreement; what happens when new accounting personnel takes over and discovers gaps in payments?

There is a tool consumers can use at no upfront cost, Medgotiate™ (www.medgotiate.com).

When the consumer receives a medical bill not covered by their insurance plan, Medgotiate™ (www.medgotiate.com) does not require an upfront cost; it simply receives a percentage success fee of the savings. Reducing the bill and obtaining the settlement agreement is the Company's goal.

Now consumers have help to reduce their medical bills!

Judi Schenkel​
P: 602-888-8123
Toll-Free: 844-369-9789
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.medgotiate.com

Source: Medgotiate LLC


Tags: deductibles, healthcare, hospital fees, insurance, medical bills, medical collections, negotiation