eWisdomTV invites Faculty and Teachers to enter how to tutorial videos for the Star Expert Contest

eWisdomTV Star Expert contest for Faculty and Teachers to win from submitting how to tutorial videos

eWisdomTV™ (www.ewisdomtv.com) the first expert how to video site, recently announced its first ever video contest to select the best how to videos across six categories. This contest is open until May 31, 2010. With its Star Expert Contest, eWisdomTV gives an opportunity to the college faculty, community college faculty and school teachers to submit their expertise via video and have the opportunity to start getting paid. Now teachers can spread their knowledge to the masses through how to tutorial videos and can win various attractive prizes.

"We want to empower all Faculty and teachers who've been the casualty of the current economic crisis to earn a living by sharing their knowledge with the world. Our passion is to help people take back control of their destiny, and eWisdomTV is the platform for accomplishing our mission," said Milissa Wise, Founder and CEO of eWisdom.

Teachers can enter by registering and submitting a short video at http://www.eWisdomTV.com. How to create HTML, how to use graphic design software, how to make a blog, to cooking videos, educational videos, and training videos can be submitted. Users can view math related videos that give step-by-step solutions to many common math problems. eWisdomTV makes use of state-of-the-art software and the Internet to provide quality learning materials and assessment tools for easy learning. Faculty and teachers can make exclusive how to tutorial videos under any subject and earn money. This contest launched March 1 and has already seen great entries.

The grand prize is a gift voucher of 3-night trip for two to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico at an all-inclusive resort. In addition, the grand prize winner will also get revenue for the first 1000 downloads of his how to video. The first prize winner will win $100 USD cash prize along with being featured expert on the home page of eWisdom TV™. The second prizewinner will get $100 USD eWisdom TV™ account credit. The criteria for selecting the how to videos is based on the quality expert content, quality of the video, and the overall presentation.

How do Experts Get Paid?
eWisdom TV™ provides experts with resources to create and upload their videos and get paid. It uses an online credit card system for consumers purchasing videos submitted by experts. Every time one of the lessons or series submitted is purchased through eWisdom TV™, the expert will earn 50% of the $1.99 price per video established.

When an expert has earned $25.00 or more in earnings, a 'Get Paid' button will appear at the top of their Account Profile. Simply click this button to get paid. Within seven business days, the expert will receive payment via PayPal to the email address provided on their expert account.

To be the first to know about how to videos and other alerts from eWisdomTV please follow us at http://www.nualerts.com/clubs/howtovideos/. To share with us what expertise you need please submit your Wisdom Wanted at http://www.ewisdomtv.com/?page=community&subpage=wisdom_wanted. Submit your expert video or register now to enter the contest at www.ewisdomtv.com.

About eWisdomTV
eWisdomTV is first platform for experts to get paid for their knowledge through short professional how to videos. Anyone with specific skills and knowledge can now create a channel on eWisdom TV™ to sell their expert videos to a global audience. Knowledge seekers can search the existing library or request for wisdom, view a short preview of the video and then purchase the video online. Each video is priced at $1.99 to make it affordable for mass audience. Experts can create a series to drive higher revenues. eWisdom TV™ is committed to marketing the expert videos to drive the highest possible earnings for our experts.


Tags: how to video clips, how to video online, how to videos

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Milissa Wise
Press Contact, eWisdom TV Inc.
eWisdom TV Inc.
5716 CR 334, Sweeny, Texas, 77480
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