Ex-Felon Running for U.S. Congress in Nevada

On Friday, August 28th, long time businessman Barry Michaels filed with the FEC officially declaring his candidacy for U.S. Congress in 2016. Michaels is running as a Democrat for Nevada's 3rd district.

​​​​Ex-Felon Running For U.S. Congress in Nevada on an Unusual Platform of "All About Solutions"

On Friday, August 28th, long time businessman Barry Michaels filed with the FEC officially declaring his candidacy for U.S. Congress in 2016. Michaels is running as a Democrat for Nevada's 3rd district.

"All About Solutions."

Barry Michaels, Barry Michaels For U.S. Congress

Innovative Use of Crowd Funding

Michaels fund raising plan will begin with a campaign on Indiegogo, a popular crowd funding site rarely used for political campaigns. It can be accessed at the following web address:  http://igg.me/at/barry-michaels-for-u-s-congress-2016/x/10722593                                                  

Michaels' Vision: All About Solutions

Michael's campaign vision is All About Solutions. His platform is that "Free markets should work with government, each doing what it does best." His Indiegogo page will publish an initial set of issues-solutions, with fresh ones added weekly. Six of his solutions are recapped below:

  • Jobs. The government would issue a new type of bonds to finance small business and create jobs. Businesses could borrow up to $50,000 for each new job it would create. Business gets the needed funding, jobs are created, and the government receives additional revenue thorough taxes paid by the business and employees. A win-win for the government, business, employees, and society.
  • Prison Reform. Sentencing reform, especially for non-violent offenders. This will greatly reduce the cost to society of incarceration, and provide a shift for hundreds of thousands of people from being a burden to society to a productive participant.
  • Forgiving Student Loans. A program of debt forgiveness for students that have completed their degree and remain employed in their filed for five years. This promotes higher education, which ultimately results in higher earnings and higher tax receipts. A win-win for students, the government and society.
  • Immigration. A human and economical solution to the 11 million folks affected would be to have them register, pay a fine, and begin a path toward citizenship. It will far better to have then become productive members of society, pay taxes, and come out from the shadows.
  • Legalizing Drugs. To reduce the huge problem caused by illegal drugs we should legalize them, tax them, and regulate them, beginning with marijuana.
  • Eliminate Nuclear Weapons. Since the 1960's, The US has reduced its nuclear stock pile by some 80%, from 23,000 to 5,000. It is time to complete that reduction and lead the world in negotiating an entirely nuclear weapon free world.

Bio of Barry Michaels

Nearly 20 years ago Michaels plead guilty to securities and tax violations and as a result he served 15 months in a federal prison camp. That was then, this is now. 

He began his career as a Doctor of Chiropractic and quickly moved into the business world, spending the next 40 years starting and managing many businesses. Michaels runs a business consulting firm in Las Vegas and is the founder of www.AvatarAirlines.com a major airline startup. 

When most people his age are planning for retirement, he returned to college and earned a BA in Political Science and an MA in Public Administration from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. In addition, he has taken numerous classes in the U.S. Constitution, Civil/Criminal Law, International Relations, Latin American and Middle East politics along with a class in Middle East terrorism.

See MichaelsForCongress.com for his bio and other information which may be of interest to contributors and voters.


​Contact Information:

Barry Michaels

barry@michaelsforcongress.com or 702 523-3700


Tags: 2016, Candidate, Congress, Democrat, Election, Liberal, Nevada, nv03, Vegas