Executive Briefing from Awareity Helps Administrators Create Safe School Learning Environments

To help school leaders address alarming trends with student safety issues related to bullying, cyberbullying, violence, weapons, suicide, and other concerns, Awareity has released their latest Executive Briefing, 12 Tips for School Leaders in 2012.

To help school leaders address alarming trends with student safety issues related to bullying, cyberbullying, violence, weapons, suicide, and other concerns, Awareity, a leading provider of award-winning risk management platforms, has released their latest Executive Briefing, 12 Tips for School Leaders in 2012. To download this free resource, visit www.awareity.com/public/briefingrequest.asp.

Understanding most school leaders do not have the time or resources to do extensive research into hundreds of lessons learned, incidents, lawsuits, settlements and reports, Awareity has commissioned multiple studies to help school leaders make better decisions sooner than later. Lessons learned from these studies reveal school administrators, teachers, staff, students, parents and other resources are not equipped to effectively address escalating and continuously changing risks in their schools and communities.

This free Executive Briefing delivers vital information for administrators to proactively prevent serious risks and expensive consequences that can have lifelong effects on students, families, school leaders/personnel and entire communities. The briefing discusses 12 areas administrators need to address to ensure effective prevention strategies within their schools.

"School leaders are struggling to address escalating student safety concerns due to limited budgets, resources and time," says Awareity CEO, Rick Shaw. "By equipping our schools and communities with the right tools to effectively communicate with students, parents, staff, faculty, law enforcement, etc. and connect-all-the-dots ongoing, they can build safer school climates and eliminate significant costs related to status quo efforts that offer little or no value."

Briefing highlights include:

1) How to build and sustain a safe learning environment to improve Student Achievement - do you know if or how many students and teachers fear coming to school?
2) Overview of the Office of Civil Rights Dear Colleague Letters - do all personnel understand their individual roles and responsibilities to ensure compliance and prevent a federal investigation?
3) Necessary actions and documentation to prevent lawsuits and deliberate indifference - can your school afford a $225,000 lawsuit/settlement?
4) Improved Incident Reporting - because statistics show only 1 or 2 out of every 10 incidents are being reported by students, how can your school's Safety Team prevent threats they don't know about?
5) Eliminating the status quo - is that once-a-year training or seminar educating your staff with an appropriate level of awareness and the tools to do the right thing?

School leaders may believe they are prepared to address these escalating challenges, but lessons learned clearly reveal schools are not "equipped" to connect the dots and prevent preventable incidents. This briefing discusses what schools can do to effectively train and empower their community to reduce bullying, cyberbullying, violence and other threatening behaviors.

About Awareity:
Awareity provides comprehensive web-based platforms, transforming status quo approaches to help organizations prevent the preventable and effectively connect the dots ongoing. Awareity is equipping organizations and individuals with tools to build and maintain safe learning and working environments, while preventing expensive regulatory failures, compliance fines, lawsuits, privacy breaches, ethical lapses, incident reporting failures, workplace violence and more. Awareity's award-winning TIPS platform offers innovative, proven and more cost-effective ways to eliminate embarrassing gaps and achieve better bottom line results. For more information visit www.awareity.com or contact Awareity at [email protected].

Contact Information:
Katie Johnson
[email protected]


Tags: Awareity, bullying prevention, Bullying TIPS, cyberbullying, Incident Reporting, risk management, School Safety, student safety

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Katie Johnson
Press Contact, Awareity