Exhibit Of Paintings And Drawings Of Corsica By Mara Gahagan At Alliance Française

Paintings and drawings of Corsica by Mara Gahagan, will be exhibited at the Alliance Française, 1345 Bush Street, San Francisco, California 94109, from July 1-31, 2011.

Alliance Française in San Francisco will be exhibiting paintings and drawings of Corsica by Mara Gahagan, from the first to the thirty-first of July 2011. Mara Gahagan is an internationally traveled artist, who explores the world through the spectrum of color and the eternal balance between light and shadow.

The artist traveled to Corsica in September 2010. After directing a painting workshop in southern Corsica, she stayed through October to travel north across the island on her own, continuing to paint. The dramatic natural beauty and intricate cultural history of the island inspired a series of paintings.

Most of the paintings in this collection are watercolor. Watercolor is safe to transport through security and the transparency lends itself to the luminous quality of Mediterranean light. "The Journal of a Landscape Painter in Corsica", by Edward Lear published in 1870, referred to this legendary light; the quality of the timeless and universal found in the work of Mara Gahagan. There are also pastel drawings, oil paintings, and prints in the complete collection.

"Parts of the world like this are like a living fable, or a mystery to me. As an artist, I wanted to see Corsica with my own eyes, and to paint it; to establish that intimate connection between the artist and the journey."
- Mara Gahagan

On this journey, the artist became interested in initiatives for ecological and cultural tourism. Corsica has been one of the less spoiled places in Europe. In recent years, Corsican airports have had sharp traffic increases, also bringing pollution, cultural erosion and rampant construction.

In contemporary depiction of one of the natural and cultural treasures of the world, images such as pristine beaches and cultural antiquities became important subjects that the artist continues to explore. Selected original artwork will be for sale, and several limited editions will be offered. ###

CONTACT: Mara Gahagan (415) 819-4205
Email: [email protected]
Photos upon request.


Tags: art, Corsica, europe, exhibit, France, Gallery, painting, san francisco, south of france, travel, watercolor

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California, USA
San Francisco, CA 94114
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