ExpatFinder.com Launches InternationalHealthInsurers.com; The First Health Insurance Reviews Website

The free to use site offers relocating expats comprehensive geographically related reviews of insurers. Reviews are sourced from real expats around the world and are complemented by a complete range of step by step guides, articles and news.

Interexpat Pte. Ltd., the Singapore headquartered Internet Services Company today launched http://www.InternationalHealthInsurers.com, the first internet portal to bring consumer reviews of international medical insurance providers gathered from expatriates around the world.

The free to use site offers relocating consumers and expats comprehensive geographically related reviews of insurers. Reviews are sourced from real expats around the world and are complemented by a complete range of step by step guides, articles and news.

Information has been compiled on overall customer satisfaction with each company based on multiple criteria: Application Process, Claims Handling, Customer Relationship Service, and Price Competitiveness. Additional written comments are adding insight into the use of the insurers' plans, including information specific to the consumer's country and nationality.

The easy to use website already has a wide range of reviews to browse through. "We are starting with over 50 reviews and will add on daily" says Sebastien Deschamps, co-founder and CEO, Interexpat. "We are looking at adding more in depth questions in the near future, including access to hospital network and payment, currency options etc. We are also considering a specific section for corporate clients in the segmentation of reviewers."

Genuine customer reviews can have a huge influence on making a purchase decision. As well-travelled individuals, expatriate consumers are used to reading reviews for hotels, airlines, restaurants and more, "It is our first website producing User Generated Content (UGC) and we enter this sphere with great care and scrutiny. We believe it is important to make this effort for the consumer and a great way for us to leverage on our extensive social media reach on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and more" adds François Deschamps, co-founder, Interexpat.

"The website complements our portfolio of web properties that are all working at empowering expat consumers around the world. Over the years, we are glad to have established strong partnerships with the largest international health insurance companies around the world. A reviews website will help us better serve our consumer community, as well as giving an opportunity to share the feedback with our clients to help them better answer these specific needs" concludes Sebastien Deschamps.

Media Contact
Sebastien Deschamps Interexpat Pte Ltd
Email: [email protected]

About Interexpat & InternationalHealthInsurers.com: French and French-American co-founders Francois and Sebastien Deschamps are currently working on innovative solutions for consumers around the world. InternationalHealthInsurers.com is a new addition to a portfolio of supportive online portals including www.ExpatFinder.com , www.SuperExpat.fr , www.MundoExpat.com , www.ExpatWijzer.com , www.ExpatRatgeber.com , www.ExpatAngels.org and www.MisterCurrency.com.
For more information visit: www.internationalhealthinsurers.com


Tags: expat health insurance, Health Insurance, International Health Insurance

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Sebastien Deschamps
Press Contact, www.internationalhealthinsurers.com
10 Anson Road
05-17 International Plaza