ExperiencesCaribbean.com Takes Hiking Enthusiasts to the Ultimate Adventure Travel in Dominica

"Experiences Caribbean" offers every hiker the great challenge and experience of negotiating a hiking trail that mimics an unending military training obstacle course.

A piece of paradise that displays nature at its best, the beautiful Caribbean island of Dominica mesmerizes travelers and adventurers from all over. One of its greatest attractions is the Waitukubuli National Trail, the world's most recent long distance walking trail that covers the length and breadth of the island.

A native term given by the Kalinago, Dominica's first inhabitants, Waitukubuli literally translates into "tall is her body", expressing the rugged yet beautiful nature of the island. A must-visit for every traveler, the Waitukubuli National Trail is the first and only long distance walking trail in the entire Caribbean, connecting 32 of the Nature Isles communities.

The Waitukubuli hiking trails speak of mountainous interiors, steaming rain forests, dramatic gorges, a myriad of rivers, impressive waterfalls, sulfur springs, old plantations, coastal cliffs, fertile farm lands, as well as some deeply rural communities and small villages.

Experiences Caribbean, a company that specializes in adventure travel services on the island, offers the ultimate hiking trip through the 115-mile long Waitukubuli National Trail. An adventurer himself, company owner Michael Eugene attests to the great beauty of WNT that is worthy of exploration.

"There is opportunity for us to operate as stewards to preserve the great wonder that is Waitukubuli National Trail," Michael Eugene says. "The WNT is ours to build and cherish, and we should not miss the opportunity to use it to develop ourselves and our communities, one hiker at a time." he emphasizes.

Through the Experiences Caribbean brand, visitors from the world over can enjoy the Waitukubuli National Trail as it exposes the island's hidden treasures and offers a discovery of things that have never been encountered. The company offers hiking trips complete with accommodation and other adventure essentials that make the journey memorable.

To find out more about getting an ultimate hiking adventure on the Waitukubuli National Trail, please visit http://ExperiencesCaribbean.com for information.


Tags: Adventure vacations, hiking trails, walking tours

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Daria and Michael Eugene
Press Contact, Experiences Caribbean