Expert Advice, Special Offer on Haiku Learning Management System at ISTE
Online, June 22, 2010 ( - Goshen, Ind. - This year Haiku Learning Systems, Inc. will offer something special to educators attending the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) convention in Denver: an opportunity to interact with K12 education experts already using its learning management system and a chance to receive free subscriptions to Haiku LMS.
School technology experts like Robert Craven of Saddleback Valley Unified School District and Jason Curtis of Laurel School and the Online School for Girls will be on hand at the Haiku Learning booth to talk about how their schools use technology in the classroom. Craven and Curtis, among others, will speak about their experience with Haiku LMS in areas like blended learning and virtual schools.
"Haiku is about community and sharing knowledge," said Allen Angell, CEO of Haiku Learning. "We lined up speakers who will talk about their work with Haiku LMS in settings like professional development and about integrations with companies like Tutor Trove because we believe that the best way to understand the possibilities is to hear first-hand, actual experiences."
Each presentation includes time for discussion, and the complete presentation schedule is available on the Haiku Learning website.
"We want to provide more than a demo of our LMS features at ISTE," said Angell. "We want to show educators that a vibrant community is behind Haiku LMS, and it's a community that is innovating and invigorating 21st century learning."
The conference will take place June 27-30 at the Colorado Convention Center, and Haiku Learning is offering ISTE attendees who sign up for a webinar the opportunity to receive up to five free educator subscriptions per school for one year - a $600 value. Visit the company in the exhibit hall (booth 1684) for complete details.
Tags: blended learning, learning management system, virtual school