Expert Author Gives Away Book To Help Women with PCOS Conquer Infertility, Reduce Pregnancy Complications

Author Dr. Rebecca Harwin gives away empowering book to help women with PCOS manage, even avoid, infertility, miscarriage, PCOS and pregnancy complications.

According to research, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as PCOS, afflicts approximately 11% of women. Many of these women suffer from anovulation (lack of ovulation), irregular cycles and infertility. When a pregnancy is achieved, there is an increased risk of miscarriage, pregnancy complications and babies needing care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units.

"PCOS is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility, 26% of infertility requiring IVF therapy is PCOS related. Once pregnant, PCOS places women at higher risk of pregnancy-related diabetes and complications" says the Robinson Institute. And as obesity rises, so too does the incidence of PCOS and infertility related to it.

"Now," says PCOS expert Dr. Rebecca Harwin, "women with PCOS need usable resources to boost their fertility naturally, reduce their risk of pregnancy complications, and improve the health of their babies."

"Whether struggling to become pregnant, avoid miscarriage, or reduce the risk of pregnancy complications like pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes" says Dr. Harwin, "there are strategies that can be used to achieve this, which cost very little and take just a little planning. Creating a pregnancy plan and making healthy lifestyle changes before attempting conception can not only boost the chances of conceiving, but also reduce the associated risks often times with PCOS."

The strategies in Dr. Harwin's book, 'How To Make Babies, Even When You Have PCOS', includes topics on how to boost ovulation naturally, 12 steps to reduce conception stress, 5 fertility friendly foods and what to do when you discover you're pregnant, as PCOS and pregnancy is a critical topic! And importantly, answering the question, "why do women with PCOS have an increased risk of miscarriage, and what can be done about it." The PCOS Fertility and Pregnancy Book helps empower women to increase their chances of conceiving despite obstacles they may face.

Albeit a controversial topic, in this book written with an easy-to-read style, Dr. Harwin's message is clear. "Most often the best person to help a woman with PCOS to become a mum, is an educated and empowered woman herself. She must take the steps necessary to boost her natural fertility, to be an active part of the PCOS to pregnancy and beyond journey, and not to simply allow herself to be poked and prodded without being actively involved and educated."

"The key to success with such a difficult challenge," says Harwin "is to take charge of your body, your lifestyle, and your fertility and to seek out the right information and care to ensure you are giving yourself every opportunity to conceive, and carry your healthy baby safely through to birth and a healthy life."

Harwin made the decision to give away digital versions of her 'How To Make Babies, Even When You Have PCOS' book free after witnessing sufferers of PCOS facing a childless future. "It broke my heart," says Harwin, "many women are still suffering from PCOS and infertility. This is incredibly stressful and can break down relationships and lives."

Given away at Harwin's website page, HTMBEWYHP has already been downloaded hundreds of times. "We're ecstatic with the response and excited to see women with PCOS putting the practical information to good use in naturally boosting their fertility" Harwin says.


Tags: pcos, PCOS and infertility, PCOS and pregnancy

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