ExpertAssignmentHelp Now Plans to Give FREE Turnitin Report With Assignment Solutions
Brisbane, February 4, 2016 ( - Today, ExpertAssignmentHelp, a leading provider of diverse types of academic help services, announced that a free Turnitin report will be provided from their end with every assignment solution. As some kind of plagiarism-check report is becoming a mandatory assignment submission criteria in any graduate or undergraduate courses in Australia, ExpertAssignmentHelp decided to bring this added service. Irrespective of the size of the assignment, the Turnitin report will be sent to students along with the solutions for the assignment. This report will also ensure peace of the mind for students as now they can be completely sure about submitting plagiarism-free solutions to their markers.
Regarding the announcement of such an important amendment to their academic help service, CEO of ExpertAssignmentHelp said, “While providing academic help services, it is highly important that we follow the latest requirements of the current academic standards. We are really happy that our commitment towards providing free Turnitin report will definitely help clients in meeting all of those standards comprehensively.” He also added, “One of the main reasons for bringing this service is that, we often used to receive requests from our clients to help them generate plagiarism reports, so we thought why not we provide it with every assignment solution we deliver.”
While providing academic help services, it is highly important that we follow the latest requirements of the current academic standards. We are really happy that our commitment towards providing free Turnitin report will definitely help clients in meeting all of those standards comprehensively.
David Thompson, CEO
According to the CEO, the benefits of providing these reports are twofold:
· First of all, it will help students to comply with the requirements set by their professors without any added hassle.
· It will also help ExpertAssignmentHelp to gain confidence of their clients by demonstrating their efficiency in producing 100% plagiarism free content.
Tags: assignment help, essay help, essay writer, Free Turnitin report, online assignment help, Plagiarism free solutions