Export Service Centre offers environment-friendly Quarantine Pre-Shipment service in Denpasar, Bali

Costs saving eco-friendly service to ensure exported commodities, home decor and fashion goods pest- and rodent-free without using poisonous Methyl bromide gas

INDONESIA - The Export Service Centre (http://www.ExportServiceCentre.com), a member of the non-profit Kearny Alliance (http://www.kearnyalliance.org), now offers Quarantine Pre-Shipment (QPS®) service at its eco-friendly facility in Denpasar, Bali.
The Export Service Centre-EcO2 (http://www.esceco2.com) is a partnership between the Export Service Centre Indonesia and the leading eco-friendly treatment provider, the Netherland's EcO2 B.V. It offers Quarantine Pre-Shipment treatment solutions for commodities, containers and cargo.
"Our 'green' QPS facility is critical to the future of Indonesia's exports," said Eugene Verspoor, general manager of the Export Service Centre. "In 2013, Methyl bromide will be phased out worldwide.
"The only alternative without the use of toxic gases is the QPS treatment based on the heat and low oxygen. For exporters, our system is also cost effective, since they do not have to worry about extra costs incurred for clearing containers due to gas levels - and they can save demurrage charges.
"We've invested in this proven facility with the world's leader to ensure Indonesian producers can continue to export - and therefore continue to create much-needed jobs in this critical sector.
"We look forward to working closely with Bali's exporters, fumigators and freight forwarders to offer this service to their customers - today and well into the future."
Global environmental concerns - bottom line realities for importers
Environmental concerns are top-of-mind in most importing countries. Worries over toxic gas, ozone layer depletion and global warming mean tighter scrutiny of containers and treatment methods.
This means importers may face significant costs if containers are quarantined. Some of these costs include:
* Degassing fees of €600, daily demurrage of €45 (plus handling charges)
* Delayed delivery which may incur penalties and handling charges
* Customers' complaints over toxic methyl bromide residue
The ESC-EcO2 service offers, green Quarantine Pre-Shipment service to ensure containers are not quarantined for degassing. More details are available at (http://www.esceco2.com)
About The Kearny Alliance
The Kearny Alliance (http://www.kearnyalliance.org), a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) foundation based in Scottsdale, Arizona, partners with other international organizations to further its mission of 'Aid through Trade', to advance international development and poverty alleviation through trade-related business, education, training and applied research.
Key programmatic areas include:
* Livelihood development at the grassroots level: Through the social enterprise Export Service Centre (http://www.ExportServiceCentre.com) in Indonesia and Cambodia, the Kearny Alliance assists small producers who do not have the capacity to export direct to participate in the global economy. It estimates that in 2009 it created more than 3,800 jobs.
* Job creation for small & medium producers: Through the Developing Country Export Assistance Program (http://kearnyalliance.org/sourcingreports), the Kearny Alliance connects smaller exporters in developing Asia with buyers worldwide. Surveys of beneficiaries show that suppliers have received $440,000 in export orders, and they expect more than $5,000,000 to develop in 2010.
* Education & skills development: The Kearny Alliance offers stipend support for students from Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam and mainland China to study in Hong Kong and the US. The dozens of Kearny Alliance Scholars receive internships and on-the-job training in export-related companies and organizations in 10 countries.
* Trade policy research: One major initiative is FutureofUSChinaTrade.Com, an online center for data, analysis, and insightful discussion on U.S. - China trade offering Forum Discussions News & Analysis, Facts & Figures, Discussion Outcomes, Book reviews and Meet the Experts. This developed from the The Kearny Alliance - Arizona State University forums on China, trade and the world economic order high-level series of interlinked meetings - held in Phoenix and Beijing which explored potential solutions to issues and challenges of mutual benefit to China-US trade relations.
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Tags: Eco-friendly program, Export Service Center, The Kearny Alliance

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Sokneang Chhour
Press Contact, The Kearny Alliance