Extend Your Medical Cover With Top-Up Health Insurance Plans

Medical coverage is growing in importance, as it is the only means to stay away from the burden of medical expenses. Apollo Munich has brought in a wide array of products to cater to the needs of people in the best possible way.

Medical cover is one of the necessities that have grown much in demand, as it does not has any substitute, other than to give away accumulated wealth. High rising medical expenses are not easy to manage, especially when a person comes across a medical emergency situation. The best way to deal with this expenditure is to buy medical cover and stay protected. When a person buys health insurance policy, he or she gets the needed financial assistance against future medical contingencies of life. The insurance company pays off medical bills such that an insured can seek quality medical treatment without any fiscal strain. In order to cater to every health need of a person, insurance providers are striving in designing innovative products such that medical care is no more associated with financial burden. Looking into the needs of people, Apollo Munich, a standalone health insurance company, has brought in a variety of medical cover plans to offer coverage to people under different circumstances.

Apollo Munich has also brought in few top-up health insurance products to help people extend their medical cover and seek better protection. There are two top-up health insurance plans brought by the company. These are Optima Cash and Optima Plus. Both these products are well thought and designed to help the Indian citizens seek the better coverage.

Optima Cash is a daily cash hospital benefit plan that looks after additional hospitalization expenses of an insured. When a person is hospitalized, there are various medical care costs that he or she has to incur. The treatment cost, including room rent, diagnostic tests, operation theatre cost, etc are all looked after by a pure health insurance product. In addition to these expenses, there are several other miscellaneous expenses, like laundry bills, food and transportation costs, etc that a person pays from pocket. One can also get them insured with the help of products, like Optima Cash.

It offers a policy holder lump sum amount on daily basis, which can be used to deal with these expenses. In an event of hospitalization, Optima Cash pays certain daily cash amount, as chosen by policy holder. It may range from Rs 1000 to Rs 3000. An insured gets this amount multiplied by the number of days he or she is hospitalized. The plan is simple and easy. It does not include any paperwork, no pre-policy check-ups and no medical tests, unless any adverse declaration is made.

Optima Plus is another top-up health insurance plan brought by Apollo Munich. The plan is designed to offer people coverage for higher inpatient treatment expenses. A person can buy this plan with certain amount of deductible and then, can get coverage for treatment expenses beyond the amount of deductible. A person can opt for Rs 5 lac sum insured amount, with deductible in the range of Rs 1 lac to Rs 5 lac, as opted by an insured. The amount of deductible chosen and the age of an insured decide the amount of premium to be paid.

People should buy this product to enjoy wide inpatient treatment coverage. It has a unique feature of getting converted into a fully fledged health insurance plan at later stages of life, generally at the age of retirement. A person buying and using it as a top-up plan can later get it converted to a complete medical cover plan and can enjoy better protection, as one gets the coverage right from the 1st day with no waiting period and no deductible. This feature makes it a unique plan with never before benefits and first in its kind.

Both these top-up plans, Optima Cash and Optima Plus, offer complete coverage, when purchased together with pure health insurance products, like Easy Health and Maxima. One can get double protection with these plans. Thus, it is advised that a person should extend medical cover with these plans that can e purchased at the expenses of little premium amount.

Apollo Munich has well thought and designed these products, after identifying people's health needs.

For More Information visit:- http://www.apollomunichinsurance.com


Tags: Health coverage, Individual Medical Coverage, Medical Cover

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J Smith
Press Contact, Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Ltd.
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