Extending Flexible Working to All Employees Through Cloud Computing

The Government is now allowing all employees to work flexibly from home. To make transition into flexible working stress free, Backbone's cloud computing services are here to help.

Government's new decision about Flexible Working

The Government has decided to extend flexible working rights to all workers next year. From 1April 2014, the right for workers to request flexible working will be extended to all workers, not only those who have children under 17 years or responsibilities as a carer.

According to current regulations, the worker has to make a request to work flexibly in writing and their employer has to discuss this request with them within 28 days, making a decision within 2 weeks. After the decision is made, the worker has 2 weeks to appeal the decision should they wish to.

Next year, the change in rules regarding flexible working will mean that employers and employees no longer have to process these requests in a certain way and within a certain amount of time. This less formal process combined will open flexible to all workers and must be acknowledged by all organisations. Recent CBI research states that firms can save up to 13% of their workforce costs by embracing these more sophisticated and less rigid flexible working practices.

How to accommodate flexible working

Flexible working can become a real asset to organisations, fostering worker loyalty and productivity, and the best way for prospective flexible workers to stay up to date at home is through a cloud computing system.

So, why should companies consider the cloud? No matter what size the organisation, lT leaders want to find more cost efficient routes, which also make better use of their time. Cloud Computing is a highly attractive option for flexible workers, offering economic advantages and long-term strategic benefits. Short-term benefits include cost savings, enhanced scalability and flexibility, and the ability to move capital expenditure to operational expenditure. As far as long-term benefits go, switching to cloud computing will increase an organisation's ability to focus on core strategic competencies by using the cloud to outsource IT services that are more beneficial and cost effective.

Cloud computing has quickly become one of the most talked about new IT advantages, offering a powerful set of technologies based on infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Making this type of infrastructure available to organisations in order to accommodate flexible workers will allow the transition to flexible working to be a seamless progression.

Backbone RTW Hosting: the best option for cloud computing

Backbone RTW Hosting is one of the UK's most trusted cloud computing service providers, empowering teams on the move, streamlining communications & file-sharing, and offering multiple-level security and full disaster recovery with minimal or no IT support contract required. Flexible workers will now have easy access to all applications they would expect in their day-to-day work as well as any applications from the "Application Pool" on demand by simply logging into the platform.
With Backbone's secure, enterprise-class IT platform, you get a complete remote hosted desktop that allows you and your staff to login to your desktop from any location in the world, with full security. Backbone's hosted desktop systems are powered by Terminal Services and Citrix technology. Terminal Services is Microsoft based technology and is very suited to smaller organisations due to the much lower pricing, whereas Citrix is suited to larger organisations and corporate companies.
These incoming changes to flexible working rights offer a massive opportunity for organisations to become more mobile through cloud computing services, while also improving their workers work life balance.


Tags: Cloud, flexible, Flexible Cloud, Flexible Cloud Hosted, Flexible working, Flexible Working Cloud, hosted, Hosted Cloud, remote working, working

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Alex Hobbs
Press Contact, Backbone RTW Hosting