ExtraHop Networks Executive Discusses the Importance of Application Performance Management for Overall IT Efficiency at ITEXPO East 2011

Panel Debate Highlights Need for Enterprise Network and Application Teams to Collaborate for Optimal Service Delivery

ExtraHop Networks, a leading technology provider of network and application performance management (APM) solutions, today announced that the company's VP of Sales, Tom Claeys, will participate in a panel debate at TMCnet's ITEXPO East 2011 conference, February 2 - 4, 2011 in Miami, Florida. A 20-year veteran of the network technologies and software industries, Claeys will explain how enterprise service delivery and IT operational efficiency can be optimized only if both network and application performance management teams more fully collaborate.

The panel, Achieving Operational Efficiency by Optimizing Service Delivery, will take place on February 4th from 11:00 to 11:45 a.m. EST as part of the Service Provider track of the conference. The panelists, moderated by Paula Bernier, Executive Editor for the IP Communications Group at TMC, will explore the reasons why many IT organizations take a network-only view of performance; why today's complex, dynamic IT environments require real-time visibility of the overall performance of applications; and how enterprises can achieve true operational efficiency in a diversified IT tools landscape.

ExtraHop Networks delivers innovative, end-to-end, agentless solutions to ensure that business-critical transactions do not fail. Combining the capabilities of Network Performance Managers with the superior application-level visibility of User Experience Monitors, the ExtraHop solutions provide real-time analysis of applications to improve customer experience and quality of service while reducing IT costs.

For more information about ExtraHop Networks and the company's solutions and product benefits, visit www.extrahop.com.



Tags: APM, Application Performance Manageme, ExtraHop, ITEXPO, Network Performance Management

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Sarah Love
Press Contact, ExtraHop Networks
ExtraHop Networks
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