Extraordinary New Movie, "Akhenaton: The Mysterious Revelation," Is on the Horizon

The movie production company, Infinite Wealth Creations, is scheduled to begin shooting the film about Pharaoh Akhenaton this summer.

Infinite Wealth Creations, a newly formed movie production company, is scheduled to begin the production of the movie Akhenaton: The Mysterious Revelation in July of this year. It will tell the story of the forgotten Pharaoh Akhenaton and his Queen Nefertiti who reigned in ancient Egypt in 13th century BC. Akhenaton was a young rebel and the first and only Pharaoh to declare that there is only one true living God. The corrupt Egyptian priesthood hated him and after his death they attempted to destroy all monuments and obelisks with remembrances of him.

Jesus McGill, who earned his Master of Arts degree from California State University, Northridge, is the Managing Director of Infinite Wealth Creations. He is designated to portray the adult Pharaoh Akhenaton in the movie.

Infinite Wealth Creations is a limited liability corporation formed in April 2015. The company will be in the business of creating motion pictures that inspire more value, wealth, and health in the lives of those who watch their movies. For more information, please contact:

Jesus McGill, Managing Director

[email protected]

(888) 506-3572


Tags: abundant life, historical movie, infinite wealth, investments


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Our Mission Statement is: To inspire the creation of more value, wealth, and health in the lives of those who watch our movies.

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Palmdale, CA 93591
United States