Extraordinary People Lecture Series - Dr. Joe Dispenza - February 26

The Biology of Change - Learn how to reach your specific goals and visions by eliminating self-destructive habits. Adapt new ways of thinking, change beliefs, and re-wire your brain.

February 26 - 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Center for Spiritual Living - 5801 Sand Point Way NE - Seattle

Tickets for lecture-only $40.00. Attend both the lecture and the workshop for $129.00 and save! Workshop on Saturday, February 27 at Seattle Unity Church.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
Full Day Workshop - Saturday, February 27
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Seattle Unity Church - 200 8th AVE North
Seattle - 206-622-8475

With a dynamic combination of science and accessible how-to, Dr. Joe Dispenza will discuss how you can use the most important tool in your body and life - the brain. In this workshop, Dr. Joe will guide you through a step-by-step process of personal change in which you will transform yourself from thinking to doing to being. Dr. Joe will cover what neuroscience has to say about rewiring the brain, his research into spontaneous remissions, and how we keep repeating the same patterns in our life.

Call 970-443-0732 for information.


Tags: brain chemistry, change, habits, Joe Dispenza, quantum physics, self-improvement

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Donna Visocky
Press Contact, Bella Spark Productions
Bella Spark Productions
2724 Maroon Court
Ft. Collins CO