Extron Inc. CEO Sandeep Duggal to Present Insights at "Go Local" Symposium Sep 13 2013

Sandeep Duggal, CEO of Extron Inc and Chairman of the Last Mile Manufacturing and Onshoring Initiative, will present insights into emerging philosophies in manufacturing at the "Go Local" symposium hosted by the Product Realization Group (PRG).

Sandeep Duggal, CEO of Extron Inc and Chairman of the Last Mile Manufacturing and Onshoring Initiative, will present insights into emerging philosophies in manufacturing at the "Go Local" symposium hosted by the Product Realization Group (PRG). The symposium will be held on September 13, 2013, at the Sheraton Hotel in San Jose, California.

Mr. Duggal will discuss how the manufacturing ecosystem in Silicon Valley is unique, bringing tremendous opportunities to develop new products and manufacturing approaches. Mr. Duggal stated "Today, we have a tremendous new focus on not necessarily being the biggest, but on being the most nimble -- in terms of design for flexibility, speed to market, capability for innovation on the fly, and customization. Rather than just offshoring the whole thing, if you can put together your supply chain with this in mind, and in particular leveraging local experts for mission-critical final assemblies and IP, then you have a system that's really built to perform in today's demanding business environment. Silicon Valley has the ideal resource base for bringing this to life."

Mr. Duggal went on to state that the presentation would contain case examples where careful realignment and onshoring of certain elements of an offshore-focused supply chain had resulted in significant cost savings, reduced inventories, faster responsiveness, and protection for vital intellectual property. "At Extron," said Mr. Duggal, "we frequently see situations where we are able to improve a client's overall competitiveness by providing onshored manufacturing solutions that essentially replace the 'Last Mile' of their supply chain. These clients find that they can then focus on their other core competencies - - sales, marketing, product innovation - and know that they have the capabilities, flexibility and improved cost structure on the supply chain side."

About Extron

Extron Inc., is a leading high-tech manufacturer focused on solutions designed to improve flexibility and reduce risks of supply chains, while improving business performance. Extron provides on-demand product configuration in close proximity to the distribution channels, helping its clients reduce manufacturing cost, maintain control of IP, respond faster, and reduce risk. Extron also provides returns management solutions, demo-loan product evaluation solutions, and retail fulfillment services. Visit us at www.extroninc.com .

About the Product Realization Group

The Product Realization Group is made up of service providers that enable companies to optimize their product development and manufacturing processes. Services are offered through a combination of senior consultants and companies that deliver with the highest level of expertise and customer services in the industry. For more information, visit www.productrealizationgroup.com .


Tags: “Go Local” symposium, CEO Sandeep Duggal, Extron Inc., present new manufacturing, press release, Product Realization Group, September, supply chain

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