Facebook Marketing Tool Fbxtab Helps Small Business Owners to Ease Social Media Advertising

Fbxtab Plugin is the perfect, complete package for anyone to set up their Facebook Fan Page and then make the Page go viral. With the arrival of iFrames, the possibilities of creating a real, complete web site on a Facebook Fan Page became a reality,

Facebook marketing is rapidly revolutionizing social media marketing and changing the landscape. It has been barely 4 months since the arrival of the new facebook iFrames, and the departure of the old, FBML, and already the Facebook marketing scene is evolving in incredible leaps and bounds. FB X-Tab has given rise to a new crop of social media marketers known as News Feed Optimizers (NFOs). Similar to how their forebears, the Search Engine Optimizers (SEOs), shaped and defined Internet Marketing during the past decade, this decade will see the NFOs play a dominant role in determining social media marketing's future.

With the arrival of iFrames, the possibilities of creating a real, complete web site on a Facebook Fan Page became a reality, not mere possibility. So drastic was this change that many people began to devote their time exclusively to Facebook marketing, such was the power and draw of the new Facebook Fan Page capabilities. It's safe to say that iFrames has revolutionized Facebook Pages to such a degree that it has forever altered the way people present their brands and product online, not to mention a complete overhaul of their marketing and sales strategies. More details and the free demonstration video can be found at http://www.theimdaily.com/fbxtab

Coined by Phil Benham and Daniel Tan, the developers behind FB X-Tab, these trailblazers are called News Feed Optimizers, or NFOs for short. The article published for the social media marketing states that as the name implies, they focus on the Newsfeed of Facebook as this is where Facebook users spend most of their time, and where awareness and traffic are created and generated.

Social media marketing is not a relatively new phenomenon, but the changes initiated by Facebook have dramatically altered its landscape. The new opportunities presented and its sheer number of devoted users has prompted numerous Internet marketers to shift their focus from other social media sites like Twitter and Youtube exclusively to Facebook and be a part of the early stage of change. As Facebook continues to evolve, it will no doubt impact the social media marketing scene in very significant ways, redefining how people plan and strategize their marketing and sales on social media sites. More details can be found at http://www.theimdaily.com/fbxtabplugin


Tags: facebook marketing, fbxtab, fbxtab plugin

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