Fadi Bejjani's Blog Has Been Released
Fadi Bejjani is MD from the University of Paris (Doctorat d'Etat), MA in Orthopedic Biomechanics and PhD in Occupational Biomechanics & Ergonomics from NYU has a new blog site with blogger.
Online, January 8, 2013 (Newswire.com) - As doctors struggle to treat patients in the face of an ongoing shortage of hospitalists and doctors, one man has introduced a new blog discussing all the short comings of the healthcare industry. Fadi Bejjani (fadibejjani.blogspot.com) provides patients and doctors information to prepare and educate themselves - and use this information to demand the services they want from their doctor, attorney, hospital, and politicians.
"I am eager to help patients to achieve peace-of-mind from their doctors who are constantly struggling to protect their personal interests and that of their patients" states Dr Fadi Bejjani, Blogger at fadibejjani.blogspot.com. "As an added incentive, my unique articles commission structure and offer an alternative opportunity to patients and doctors."
Dr Bejjani's blog has been live since October 2012 and the reviews have been fantastic. Dr Bejjani is looking into expanding his blog and partnering with many other blogs to spread the message about what healthcare reform will mean for both patients and doctors. His unique approach will have you shocked about what happens behind the patient curtain.
About Fadi Bejjani
Fadi Bejjani is MD from the University of Paris (Doctorat d'Etat), MA in Orthopedic Biomechanics and PhD in Occupational Biomechanics & Ergonomics from NYU. He held the rank of Associate Professor at UMDNJ, RWJMS and NYU; and Professor at the NYCPM. Taught 100+ lectures in 12 states and 13 countries, namely Visiting Scholar in China, Tel-Aviv, Addis-Ababa. He published in 5 languages: 2 books, 94 articles, and 42 international media interviews. He holds several copyrights and a patents.
Tags: fraud, Healthcare, insurance, Medicare, Obamacare