Family Office Insights Private Peer-to-Peer Network

What the devil are the 1% doing with their money?

Arthur Andrew Bavelas

​​CN's Jane King sits down with Arthur Andrew Bavelas, the Founder of Family Office Insights, to discuss the Peer-to-Peer Investment Community.


Family Office Insights is a voluntary, “opt-in” collaborative peer-to-peer community of single family offices, qualified investors and institutional investors.

"The Peer Review Q&A has been phenomenal for our firm, as we have been approached by numerous family office groups who form part of Family Office Insights.  In addition, one of our portfolio companies, WealthRamp, a FinTech company out of Boston, also presented at a luncheon, and we were successful in raising capital from four family office groups that attended.  Further, even after the luncheon, Arthur Bavelas kept referring us to other potential investors that didn’t happen to attend the luncheon.  Like you, we were also wondering if the investment was going to be worth it, yet we found that it was well worth it, and we hope to continue using this forum for other transactions that we do.  We can’t say enough good things about the Family Office Insights platform," said Eric Saucedo of Tricap Partners & Co.




“Where one stands, often depends on where one sits”

  • Family Office Insights agenda: to grow a well curated like-minded investor community that seeks to help protect, expand, and nurture wealth for multiple generations.
  • Family office insights revenues are strictly from presenters who pay a flat fee to present to the community or subscription fee to maintain updated offering data.
  • A safe environment to explore opportunities
  • A safe place to meet other like-minded peers
  • No Community Fees
  • No Success Fees
  • No Pressure
  • As a Community Participant You Are Welcome to Enjoy:
    • Exclusive Community Opportunity Gathering Invitations
    • “Opt-In” Interest Profile
    • Peer-To-Peer Gatherings & Private Networking
    • Co-Investment Opportunities with Like-Minded Investors
    • Peer Insights Reports

Commune With Your Peers: Family Office Insights is a safe, private, curated environment where investors not only learn from experts, thought leaders and asset managers, but also from their peers. The private Family Office Insights investor community represents a wide spectrum of investment views and levels of investment knowledge. Family Office Insights community participants share a commitment to improving their understanding of the complexities of the financial landscape with their peers and seek to become more effective stewards of wealth.

About Arthur Andrew Bavelas, Founder of BavelasGroup Family Office and Family Office Insights

Arthur Andrew Bavelas, an internationally known entrepreneur, family office investor, founder of Family Office Insights peer-to-peer gatherings, and is the originator of the Fortune’s Fortress process of safeguarding family wealth over multiple generations. He is a frequent speaker to the hedge fund, private equity and family office communities.  Arthur is the author of numerous articles, white papers.
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Source: Family Office Insights


Tags: Family Office, Finance, Impact Investment, Peer-toPeer, Socially responsible

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Family Office Insights is a voluntary, "opt-in" collaborative peer-to-peer community of single family offices, qualified investors and institutional investors.