Family United In Support of Melody Ross' Parents

The family of Melody Ross responds to comments that the family is divided over the decision to pursue a wrongful death claim against the city of Long Beach and Long Beach Unified School District.

After a report by Melody Ross' uncle, Sam Che, that the family has divided over the decision to file a civil action, Melody's parents and relatives seek to set the record straight. Contrary to her brother's recent statements to press, "[o]ur family is united. My father and my five brothers and sisters support our decision." says Mrs. Ross. Mr. Ross' family supports the family as well.

In fact, Melody Ross' extended family has been calling the family to show their support for Mr. and Mrs. Ross' decision. According to Mrs. Ross, her family understands that the decision was made because they believe security at the rival homecoming game against Poly was lax the night they lost their daughter. Given the known presence of gangs and crime in the city, there should have been more security to protect the students. Following Melody's death, security measures were in fact increased at all high school football games in the district. Handheld metal detectors, bag searches and additional security were part of the additional security measures taken after Melody's death.

While Melody's parents were pleased by the school district's increased security measures, they wish it was done sooner and not as an afterthought in the face of their daughter's death. Melody's parents say they want the school to take responsibility for failing to provide adequate security so something like this doesn't happen again. "We don't want another family to lose a daughter or a son because the school was trying to save money instead of keeping our kids safe. We don't want other parents to go through this kind of pain," said Mr. Ross.

"We send our children to school and expect them to be safe. I trusted the school to protect my daughter and they didn't. If I thought the school had done enough to keep our children safe, then my husband and I wouldn't be pursuing a claim," said Mrs. Ross. Witnesses state there was no school security, administrators or police at or near the crowded Ximeno Street exit where Melody was shot as the crowd exited the sold-out stadium.

The Ross family hoped that the Long Beach Unified School District would have accepted the claim for their daughter's death and resolve it quickly. Instead, they denied it meaning the jury system and the community of Long Beach will decide the level of safety for the Long Beach schools.

Melody Ross' parents made a point that they wanted to express their deepest gratitude for the community's support after Melody's death. "We want to thank everyone who supported us and made donations for Melody's burial expenses. We could not have properly honored Melody without the community's generosity," said Mr. Ross. The only monies received by Mr. and Mrs. Ross from the donations were used for funeral related expenses. Mr. and Mrs. Ross ask that the remainder of any monies donated be used by the school to provide better security at school activities.


Tags: Long Beach, Melody Ross, Wrongful Death

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