Fans Of "Catching Fire" Will Love "The End, My Friend"

Lemon Shark Press is pleased to announce the release of THE END, MY FRIEND, a Futuristic Thriller by novelist Kirby Wright. The USA ignores Russia's pleas for help and watches it deconstruct as a world power. Is America next?

THE END, MY FRIEND is a prophetic vision of the fallout after financial cyclones and the poor leadership of world leaders trigger an economic disaster on a global scale. It's complete anarchy and Survival of the Fittest as the heroic Tony & Evo flee the burbs of Southern California for the Northern Territories, with their final destination being Crater Lake, Oregon.

Available in EPUB format on Kindle, Nook, and Kobo

*Paris Hilton and Lady Gaga are dead. So is the US President. Psytrance parties rage as Palm Springs burns. Police and fire departments are gone. Martial law is imposed to deal with the riots but the military is overwhelmed when Mexicans storm the border and fly their flag over Imperial Beach. Warlords battle private security forces for control of coastal towns. Power, gas, and water are luxuries. Hummers and motor coaches are obsolete. The Internet and cells are inoperative. Wi-Fi is history. Stores are ransacked. The black market thrives. Teenage gangs go door-to-door looting. The burbs become ghost towns as tent cities sprout like mushrooms from the beaches into the deserts. Welcome to the Prelude to the Apocalypse. Journey with Tony and Evo into the heart of the American Nightmare as they search for safe haven in a world that knows no rules.

"It's nice to have a wife who's armed and dangerous."
-Tony Pernicano, protagonist

Kirby Wright was a Visiting Fellow at the 2009 International Writers Conference in Hong Kong, where he represented the Pacific Rim region of Hawaii and lectured in China with Pulitzer winner Gary Snyder. He was also a Visiting Writer at the 2010 Martha's Vineyard Residency in Edgartown, Mass., and the 2011 Artist in Residence at Milkwood International, Czech Republic. He is the author of the companion novels Punahou Blues and Moloka'i Nui Ahina, both set in Hawaii.


Tags: apocalypse, Apocalyptic, California, catching fire, crater lake, Hunger Games, oregon

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