Far South Entertainment Launches With Focus on Independent Artists

Far South Entertainment launches a new company with a focus on independent artists. The founders of the company have global contacts in the arts and are looking to help independent artists retain their voices in a commercial world.

David and Jori Teplitzky announced the creation of Far South Entertainment - a media company that focuses on young artists, and the integrity of their music. The company was founded and is staffed by people from diverse backgrounds with a focus on the arts and entertainment worlds. The driving ideal behind the company is to leverage the founder's industry contacts to ensure independent artists receive global exposure and every opportunity to reach their full potential.

Far South Entertainment understands that in today's world, there are many young bands who lack the opportunity and financial ability to record their own material. The label is giving these bands a chance to step into a studio and make an album while still maintaining the roots of their own style.

Jori Teplitzky is a university student, studying film and television in Melbourne, Australia. She became interested in the music world after she started working on music videos for various local Melbourne bands. "I had never lived in a place with so much live music... and it was exciting to see how much there truly was," said Teplitzky.

Jori said, "The idea is not to change an artist into what we think will sell commercially, but rather, take work that is already artistically sound, foster it and make sure it has an audience. By giving these bands an opportunity, we feel that we helping them reach their potential and will provide exposure for them not only in their own country, but globally. That is what being an artist is all about."

Co-founder, David Teplitzky, has spent the past 30 years working in the art world creating and producing ground-breaking projects with artists from all over the globe. Recently he curated the show, Roundabout (www.aboutroundabout), which features the work of 108 artists from around the globe. The first leg of the tour opened at the City Gallery in New Zealand in September 2010 and will be opening at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art on October 21, 2011. Roger Shepherd, founder and present owner of Flying Nun Records has a sound piece in the show, which is a twenty-four hour sound loop of hundreds of songs. David is presently working on an audio project combining visual artists with some of the world's best manufacturers of stereo equipment.

Far South Entertainment is in various stages of negotiation and development with a number of independent artists and acts in the Southern Hemisphere. They plan on releasing their first product some time in early 2012 with a variety of live and recorded performances in late 2011.

For more information go to http://www.FarSouthEntertainment.com


Tags: AboutRoundabout, arts, independent artists, indie music

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Jori Teplitzky
Press Contact, Far South Entertainment