Fashion Models Allowed Muscularity For Chicago Based Design Company

In an effort to bring a more muscular aesthetic in his models, Chicago designer seeks out athletes to assist for Progressive new look.... Initiative in works to combat eating disorders in the industry.

To assist in sharpening the 'new look' to the runways of the US and perhaps the world, Chicago designer Ignatius Medina actively seeks a newer body to represent the model for the Tellez ready to wear clothing line.

This new actions will also heighten awarness of eating disorders among other major dependencies found in the industry, Tellez representatives has begun to create an environment for discussion with a national organisation with these efforts.

''Our friends need somewhere to go for help, we want them to keep healthy. Simply put, the company wishes to safeguard models from this epidemic and halt its progression. Young women need a continually progressive body model . This should be one of many efforts to maintain our standard in physical representation.'' Among the criteria for participating in his company, the athletic body type is now a firm staple of the company brand. These steps are now be setting another standard of responsibility to the community.

Among these houses that have been using the more muscular body type in recent years are Giorgio Armani, and Jean Paul Gauthier, whose shows are synonymous with excellence and theatricality.

Tellez offers custom apparel design to women and more recently men who seek a distinctive style in their wardrobe. It introduces haute couture as a specialty.


Tags: Chicago Fashion, Eating Disorders, fashion design, Fashion Models, modeling

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