Fastest-Growing Self Publishing Company Adds Ghostwriting Services
Online, September 15, 2009 ( - DENVER, CO, September 15, 2009 - Ghostwriting functions as a collaborative effort between the self-publishing author and a professional ghostwriter with years of experience. Ghostwriting services run the gamut from preliminary conceptualization to complete manuscript composition to helping overcome writer's block and put the finishing touches on a nearly finished book.
As publishing and book marketing becomes easier for writers, ghostwriting is finding a new niche in the growing self-publishing market. "For self-publishing authors, ghostwriters can fulfill the role of acquisitions editor, content developer, and partner," remarked Karl Schroeder, Director of Author Services at Outskirts Press. "Unlike traditional publishing, the self-publishing author will remain in the driver's seat through the process with their ghostwriter, working to develop direction based on the best interest of the author."
Outskirts Press Ghostwriting Services begin following package payment with an initial consultation between the author and their Outskirts Press ghostwriting candidate to determine the project's direction, methodology, timeframe, and scope. Final cost estimation of ghostwriting services follow.
This announcement comes on the heels of Outskirts Press' recognition by Inc. Magazine as the fastest-growing privately-held self-publisher in the United States.
"Stephen Covey's recent transition to self-publishing demonstrates the growing advantages of this method of getting books to readers; and Outskirts Press is dedicated to helping authors be as successful as possible. Ghostwriting is just one of our many initiatives in that direction," said Schroeder.
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Tags: book marketing, editing, ghostwriting, Outskirts Press, POD, print on demand, self publish, writing