Father and Son Entrepreneur Duo, James and Jim Jogerst, Open Furniture and Home and Decor Store

A father and son entrepreneur duo from Henderson, NV, has recently opened a new, unique furniture and home decor store. The Jogersts are no strangers to entrepreneurship, but this is the first time that the two have worked together to establish a particular enterprise. The store will focus specifically on unique pieces, each of which are made from reclaimed materials.

James Jogerst, the father, says: "I have owned companies since I was young. A child of the 60s, I was determined to be an independent person. My girlfriend left me shortly after Jim was born, and I raised her pretty much in the different shops that I have owned. I am so excited to go back to those days, but this time working on equal footing with him."

James' previous stores all had a similar feel, focusing on recycling and reclaiming. That said, he specialized mainly on clothing, making small alterations to second hand clothing to turn them into unique pieces. The most recent store that he owned before going into business with his son had to do with re-upholstering furniture, which was the first time he had ventured into home decor. Each store he owned have been highly successful and sold for a substantial amount of money.

He adds: "Each time I sold a store, I really thought that I would be settling down. I'm getting older, and I don't have to do it for the money anymore. However, I knew something would happen when Jim Jogerst completed a Master of Business Administration degree in Entrepreneurship after finishing a bachelor of arts degree. My friends tell me that I should look for a little condo in Florida to retire, but I don't think that will ever happen!"

The new store has only recently opened, but it is already attracting a lot of attention. It offers something completely unique, fusing modern designs and vintage looks. Jim Jogerst says: "I have always looked up to my father. He is a true self-made man, but he always went without so that I could have the best. He never went to college, but thanks to his work, I was able to complete two degrees. I have always wanted to work with him, to show him how much I have learned from him, through him, and thanks to him. Yes, I agree that he should be retiring, but not quite yet. Let's do this first!"

Within the new store, called "Jogerst Father and Son", people can view themed pieces, which are designed to build the rest of their home decor around. They also accept custom orders, with some people already bringing in their old furniture pieces and asking the men to snazzy them up into something truly unique. It is an opportunity for Jim, in particular, to let his creativity shine.

He adds: "Before starting Jogerst Father and Son, I owned a flower shop with a difference. I just love making things that people haven't seen anywhere else. Little did I know that the success of that store was actually a test! It was my father's way of seeing whether I had what it takes to own and run a store. When he suggested selling to start something together, I didn't have to think twice about it."

The new store is already the talk of the town. The men scour various flea markets, landfill sites, second hand stores, auction websites and more, to find pieces of furniture that look as if they are well past their sell-by date. Father and son then lovingly restore these items, adding pieces of fabric, colors, paints, pebbles, and a range of other materials to create pieces of furniture that are completely unique.

The two men also have great plans for the future. Jim Jogerst says: "I do love being an entrepreneur, but what I want is to do something others haven't done yet. My plan is to use the background in the Jogerst building to give classes on how to create pieces using old furniture. Furthermore, I really want to get involve with pallets. There are just so many cool things that you can do with those!"

James Jogerst, meanwhile, is also excited about the future: "It's only been a few weeks, but we already have attracted a lot of attention. It almost feels as if the store is starting to become a little community center, with people coming in to see our pieces, and to learn from us. I'll always be that child of the 60s, so creating a collective is the perfect solution for me. And in terms of retiring, well, maybe I will move into one of the backrooms of the store at some point to relax!"

Source: Jim Jogerst


Tags: James Jogerst, James Jogerst PA, Jim Jogerst