Feel Good Gold Helps Allay Doubts of Purchasing Health Supplements Over the Internet

In the news recently, there was the tragic story of a young student who had bought slimming tablets on the internet, not realising what was in them. Feel Good Gold assures customers that it takes its responsibilities seriously.

A young lady recently took more "slimming tablets" (known as DNP) than recommended on the pack and had no idea just how dangerous they really were. The product DNP is sold as a weight loss aid, but has been described by doctors as 'extremely dangerous to human health'.  It is sold mostly over the internet under a number of different names but contains Dinitrophenol.  The tablets are marketed mainly to body-builders as a weight loss aid supplement as it is thought to dramatically boost metabolism. The manufactured drug had formerly been put to use as a herbicide and fungicide. It was then brought out as a weight loss aid in the United States in the 1930s. However, it was then prohibited in 1938, as a result of significant side-effects becoming apparent.

Depending on the quantity taken, indications of acute poisoning can consist of nausea, vomiting, trouble sleeping, flushed skin, sweating, light-headedness, headaches, rapid breathing and irregular heart-beat, and in this case and a number of others, it can result in coma and death.

Feel Good Gold spokesperson Matthew Byron said "It is extremely distressing when stories like this come to light and our thoughts are with the families concerned.  Companies such as ours that trade on the internet have a duty to their customers to let them know what is in their products and to make sure the ingredients are safe.  It is essential that claims of the benefits of supplements are not exaggerated or untrue.  Our customers can be assured that our products have all the ingredients listed and are natural substances that are not harmful to health.  Of course it is always a good idea to check with a GP before taking any supplements. Also, we would advise that customers might like to take some time on the internet to research ingredients of any supplements before deciding where to buy them from."

Feel Good Gold manufactures health supplements consisting of all natural ingredients and sells them through their company website and via Amazon.com

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Tags: fish oil, natural health supplements, omega 3, turmeric, turmeric curcumin

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