Feeling Alive, Looking Radiant, Being Healthy & Living More Fully with Ayurveda | FREE TALK | Vijaya Stern | Encinitas/San Diego

Vijaya will be blessing us with a FREE "introductory talk" on Ayurveda and the Ayurveda Training that is happening at The Soul of Yoga July-September. This is a great opportunity to meet her and hear more about it.

We are so pleased to be hosting Vijaya Stern for a FREE "introductory talk" on Ayurveda and the upcoming Ayurvedic Training. Please join us Thursday, June 26at 7:30pm - 9:00pm at the Soul of Yoga for this free event at 627 Encinitas Blvd. in Encinitas, CA.

The Ayurveda Training that is happening here at The Soul of Yoga July-September. This is a great opportunity to meet her and hear more about it and get acquainted with Ayurveda and what it can do for us.

Nice intro video on Ayruveda from Vijaya Stern: http://youtu.be/TDrxwMwj3ig

Ayurveda is known as the "Science of Life". In ancient India, Ayurveda and its sister sciences, yoga and meditation, were the means for individuals to insure a healthy body and mind to allow for the pursuit of their spiritual practices.

You can get right to the course outline and syllabus here and enroll as well: http://soulofyoga.com/events/7234/

Today the principals of Ayurveda are being employed by many people who seek to find balance and healing through its specific diet, herbal and life style prescriptions.

In the upcoming training students will become aware of how Ayurveda can keep the body/mind healthy, and assist in achieving a keen awareness of the subtle bodies through the experience of the denser physical body. Yoga teachers and health practitioners will find Ayurveda principles a valuable tool in supporting the health and well-being of their clients and students.

I had an Ayruveda Shirodhara treatment after having a migraine for many months and WOW, I was headache free! I am looking forward to learning more about Ayurveda from Vijaya. ~Mary Ann Birchfield

About Vijaya Stern

Vijaya Stern is a highly recognized teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda who has served as a Board of Directors for the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine.

She is a highly recognized teacher and practitioner of Ayurveda. She has practiced in California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada and New York. A graduate of Clayton College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1993, she has devoted her main course of study to Ayurvedic Medicine with Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM since 1982. Vijaya has also studied with Dr. Sunil Joshi, Dr. Ranade, Lopsong Rapgay, Deepak Chopra and Vajra Ma & Nita Rubio,(Sacred Dance), Parvathi Nanda Nath (MahaVidya Wisdom), Hart deFouw (Jyotisha and Vastu Shastra) along with advanced Ayurvedic studies in India. Vijaya has taught Ayurveda and PanchaKarma (ayurvedic rejuvenation) at several Yoga Studios, Massage Schools, New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and the Northwest Institute of Ayurveda. Other areas of study include Emotional Breathwork, Sanskrit Chanting, Tantric Mysticism and several forms of Yoga. She is the originator of Shakti Marga Tantric Movement Therapy, which incorporates Ayurveda, Tantra, Yoga and Breathwork into a form of self-healing.

Vajaya's Website: http://livingrasa.com/

We look forward to seeing you at The Soul of Yoga!


Tags: aging, ayurveda, Ayurvedic Training, beauty, happy, Health, meditation, Natural, self help, summer, The Soul of Yoga, Vijaya Stern, yoga

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Marcia Frescura
Press Contact, Soul of Yoga
Soul of Yoga
627 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, CA 92024
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