Feeling the Effects of Technical Isolation
Online, July 19, 2010 (Newswire.com) - You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do...
When you sit on a plane for 8 hours, you really get time to think. Your own time. Something I think a lot of people in this world have lost. This plane is so equipped with technology that every person, in every row, in every seat can listen to whatever music, watch whatever movie, or keep up with any tv show that they might have missed on their way to wherever they may be going.
Not to say that I'm not guilty of doing it. I got my two hours of movie time in. I probably couldn't even tell you what the person in the row next to me looks like, let alone where they're heading. And I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that sometimes, I wish I grew up in my mother's generation. It was so simple. You met people. Kids in my generation don't get that chance. We're too busy texting the friends we already have instead of opening up to the world and making new ones.
We have these touch screens in front of our faces, headphones in our ears (that are now blocking out everything from the sound of the jets to the crying babies -- which isn't so bad). But how embarrassing is it that we can't even hear the stewardess ask us what we would like to drink? Instead she almost has to shake you by the shoulder when you just so happen to glance to your left and see her in your face with an empty glass and a questioning look on her face. And then, as soon as we get our order in, we turn our I-pods back on and shut ourselves off.
I don't think this is where I wanted to go with this, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere.
I just wish it could be the way it used to be. I wish I could meet the people around me without feeling their angst for me to shut up so they could listen to their music, make a call or do whatever people have to do these days.
And, it's not just meeting people. It's keeping up with them too. I've spent a lot of time in my life picking the clothes that other people decide are "in" instead of being in the clothes that make me comfortable. We dress to impress. We scour through the tabloids for new do's. We emulate others. We try to find ourselves by trying them on for a while. I'm still trying to find myself- who I want to be for me, not for others. I think I'm getting there but I'm still not sure.
How do you know when you've found yourself, really? I guess when you really and truly stop caring about what other people think of you. It's a really simple thing to say, but how many people out there really don't? I've vowed not to so many times, yet I still judge myself though other eyes. Everyone does. It's our generation. There is so much pressure to be "popular" or stylish. We're overrated.
It was easy for my mom to find herself, I'm sure. She didn't worry about trendy outfits, she wore her friends dirty clothes from the day before. She truly didn't care what people thought of her and trust me-she still doesn't. I want to be more like her- but in my own way. And, I really think this trip is going to help me do that. Guarantee I come back a new girl. A free girl. Improved. Perfect in my own way.
Guarantee I come back... me.
Aidan Zordich is a 17 year old high school student.
Tags: Ipads, iPods, isolation, media pressures, self discovery, texting