Felix Ovietobore Ayigbe - A Brilliant Entrepreneur

Blackgold Cosmetic Inc , headed by a known pharmacist Felix Ovietobore Ayigbe from Ontario Canada

Blackgold Cosmetic Inc , headed by a known pharmacist Felix Ovietobore Ayigbe from Ontario Canada, recently made history by redefining the cause of shaving bumps and launched the world's most advanced shaving/razor Bumps Treatment System for Facial Bumps; Bumps Due to Ingrown Hairs; Back of the Head Bumps; Shaved Head Bumps. In fact, razor bumps has been a big problem, more than 60 percent of African Americans and Hispanics are affected by this. And, not surprisingly, they're a bigger problem for men than women because many men shave on daily routine.

In the past, the only solution for razor bumps was simply to decrease the number of times a person was shaving—an unacceptable option for the most of the lot, Felix Ovietobore Ayigbe's great work as a pharmacist resulted in a permanent solution for all the people who were suffering from this state and had to sacrifice their looks and comfort as to overcome this problem.

Blackgold Cosmetic Inc. fast acting and comprehensive shaving Bump treatment products represents the latest advancement in Shaving Bumps Treatment are formulated to:

Treat Existing Bumps - especially the very difficult areas to treat "back of the head"

Repair Existing Damaged/Darkened Skin, Preventing the Development of new Shaving Bumps

What are Razor Bumps?

Razor bumps, also called pseudofolliculitis barbae, are small, irritated bumps on the skin. They develop after shaving, when strands of hair curl back on themselves and grow into the skin. Razor bumps cause irritation and pimples. They also may cause scarring. Felix Ovietobore Ayigbe the leading pharmacist, has taken key interest in constant development of technology and has wanted to demystify how shaving bumps and ingrown hairs are caused, how to quickly resolve the problem of existing shaving bumps and how to shave your face, neck area and head. Bumps block the opening of the hair follicles on the skin forcing the normally growing hairs to "grow into "inwards called ingrown hairs.

Blackgold cosmetic Inc, under the supreme leadership of Felix Ovietobore Ayigbe is dedicated towards innovating technology towards constant better treatment for Razor Bumps...


Tags: Ayigbe, Felix, Felix Ovietobore Ayigbe, Ovietobore, Ovietobore Felix Ayigbe

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