Festival Wear Takes a Fun Turn This Year With Furry Tails!

This year's must-have summer festival fashion accessory is the furry tail! Festival Tails, a UK business, has created a range of clip-on tails that add a splash of colour and fun to festival wear.

Festival Tails specialise in innovative fashion accessories. The company has partnered with a Birmingham based social enterprise to manufacture their faux fur tails. Aimed at the hundreds of thousands of people attending this summer's UK festivals, the tails are a fun, furry accessory that people can clip onto the back of their clothing to add a little colour and frivolity to their outfit. Fancy dress now plays an important role in festival fashion, and a tail is a perfect way to participate without having to pack a complete costume.

Mary Jephcott, owner of Festival Tails said: "The tails concept happened by accident with a makeshift prototype at the Glade Music Festival in 2006. We then commissioned my Nan to make a few tails to wear and share at Burning Man Festival in Nevada, USA. As they were a big hit, in 2010 we decided to expand the idea, make more tails and see if we could bring some tail fun to some of our favourite UK festivals. Nan wasn't keen to make 1000s of tails so it's lucky we found Textiles by St Anne's!"

Textiles by St Anne's is part of the Birmingham Industrial Therapy Association (BITA Pathways), a charity specialising in rehabilitation services for adults experiencing mental ill health. For Mary it was the perfect opportunity, "We're thrilled that our tails are being made locally, helping to train and provide therapy through work experience".

Mary claims "Not only do the tails have aesthetic appeal; they have other advantages too ... providing portable padded seating, enhancing attractiveness to the opposite sex and improving dance moves!" After a good reception at Festivals last year, the company is now expanding their 2011 product range to include ears, luxury tails and children's tails.

You can catch up with Festival Tails on their website www.festivaltails.co.uk or at some of the summer's best known UK festivals including Glade, Glastonbury, Cornbury, Secret Garden Party, Big Chill, Shambala and Trystonbury. For more information about Textiles by St Anne's visit www.textilesbystannes.co.uk


Tags: festival fashion, festival wear, furry tails

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Mary Jephcott
Press Contact, Festival Tails