Fiction Author Ken Jones Featured In Article In January 5, 2012 Suburban Newspaper
Online, January 26, 2012 ( - Fiction author Ken Jones was featured in the article "DIY authors realize challenges, rewards", which was published in the January 5, 2012 edition of the Suburban and Sentinel, two publications of Greater Media Newspapers in NJ.
The article, written by Chris Zawistowski, takes a look at the paths several New Jersey authors took to research, write and self-publish novels using a variety of different Do-It-Yourself publishing tools.
In the case of American Soccer Dream, the article outlined how Ken Jones developed a love for the sport, played and coached soccer and then decided to dedicate his time and energies to writing a novel about the American National Soccer Program.
An American Soccer Dream story kicks off, so to speak, in 2010. For the next four years, ending in 2014, it walks through the process of retooling the United States National Soccer Program. Not unlike the challenges faced by the US Soccer Program today, the novel looks for ways to use many resources -- such as untapped talent pools, many underutilized ethnic soccer clubs, information technology and an outstanding sports marketer - via the efforts of two likelong friends - who working incessently to implement their vision for the United States senior program.
The novel, An American Soccer Dream, describes the US Men's National Soccer Team's exploits, traveling the streets of America and beyond, detailing efforts to raise an organization to new heights, and winding their way throughout North and Central America before the team's journey ultimately concludes at the World Cup Finals in Brazil in the June of 2014. But as the players and coaches travel this road together -- something even more special is sparked -- a spirit and kinship of family which brings together this set of diverse human beings.
Follow the exploits of players recruited from across the United States, from all walks of life, and they and their coaches grow and bond together in an effort to accomplish something both remarkable and special.
Tags: SOCCER, soccer novel, us soccer