Film Workshop by Canadian Film Maker at ASMS
Sector-16A,Noida, India, March 20, 2015 (
Noida Film City: “We have found Asian Education Group the most active in film and television education. The visit of Canadian film maker at Noida Film City has added to better relations and cultural exchange between two countries” said Malti Bhandari senior officer from Embassy of Canada at New Delhi.
A full day powerful workshop was organized by the renowned Canadian filmmaker Jessie Curell also representing NBC the biggest documentary filmmakers association from Canada at Asian School of Media Studies at Noida.
“I am impressed by the facilities available at ASMS and AAFT. The enthusiasm of the students has added new energy to my workshop,” said Jiesse Curell.
“We would love to offer a joint venture with Canadian film maker Jiesse Curell, Marwah Studio can take care all the modalities and she can direct the film” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studio.The coordination was taken care by ICMEI. AAFT
Tags: Asian Education Group, Asian School Of Media Studies, ASMS, Canadian Film Maker, Canadian Filmmaker, Embassy of Canada, Film Workshop, Jiesse Curell, Noida Film City, Sandeep Marwah