Financial Education Benefits Center Supports a Holistic Approach to Healthy Living

SAN RAMON, Calif., January 10, 2018 ( - The phrase “healthy living” can bring to mind the chore of avoiding the “bad” stuff, including bad habits or bad food. While exercising and eating nutritious foods are definitely a good idea, creating healthy habits is still mostly framed in terms of denial and sacrifice to replace unhealthy habits. Recently, however, experts have been pointing to a more holistic approach to make it easier to live well. Financial Education Benefits Center, a membership benefits company, will soon be rolling out a new suite of health and wellness benefits for members in order to encourage healthy living with ease.
“There is no one-size-fits-all magic formula for living healthy,” said Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC. “But we’re seeing a more holistic approach becoming more and more popular, and our upcoming benefits will support that.”
There is no one size fits all magic formula for living healthy. But we're seeing a more holistic approach becoming more and more popular, and our upcoming benefits will support that.
Jennifer Martinez, Manager at Financial Education Benefits Center
For example, is it possible to eat healthy and still have dessert? Unless someone has a specific condition that makes eating certain foods harmful, allowing an indulgence in moderation is actually not a bad idea, some nutrition experts argue. When people deprive themselves of food they love, they begin to obsess and crave it, which can lead to overindulgence. By not throwing all their favorites out the window, while still maintaining a wholesome and healthy diet, people can still listen to their bodies’ signals rather than relying on denial and restriction.
But if someone does want to make a change, constantly fighting through the will to do the “wrong” thing isn’t going to work, either. A battle with oneself to go to the gym every day will not set anyone up for lifelong exercise routines. Instead, behavioral experts say automating the healthy habits so that the habits are well-integrated into a person’s life is better. How? That’s where things get tricky. People interested in automating habits can start by knowing why they tend to do certain things and then find a similar reward for the better habit. By finding an emotional root to the issue, their chances of easily making the change increases.
Healthy living is not complete, however, with just eating right and exercising. People are social creatures and need positive human connections not only to be successful, but to stay physically healthy and live long lives. Without a few strong relationships, a person might live a shorter life or face more health risks, research says. Emotional wellness that fosters good relationships, therefore, is on par with physical wellness.
FEBC’s upcoming health and wellness benefits will aim to help members live a holistically healthy life and better implement these healthy habits. These benefits will include a vitamin and health foods discount benefit, a mental health counseling benefit, a work-life balance benefit, and more.
“There’s always going to be different ways to live a healthy life, but we will be supporting multiple ways of staying healthy with these benefits,” said Martinez. “And we’re excited about that!”
About Financial Education Benefits Center
Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The membership company has already helped thousands of people save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially healthy life.
Financial Education Benefits Center has partnered with several name brand third-party companies to expand the financial and educational products and services available to its members and to provide a variety of wellness services as well.
To learn more about Financial Education Benefits Center, please contact:
Financial Education Benefits Center
2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100
San Ramon, CA 94583
[email protected]
Source: Financial Education Benefits Center
Tags: healthy living, holistic health, mental wellness, wellness