Financial Education Seminars Making a Comeback - New Research From Advisorist and NAFA

No. 1 Best-Selling Author Jeremiah Desmarais to Participate in the September NAFA Webinar and Share Latest Research on How Digital Marketing and Educational Venues are Engaging Highly Qualified Annuity Buyers and Attracting Them to Financial Seminars

Jeremiah Desmarais

During the past 10 years, financial advisors have watched the steady decline of qualified annuity buyers showing up at retirement- or Social Security-themed dinner seminars. Advisors had three options: 1) accept declining ROI from their seminars, 2) turn to alternative marketing and sales strategies to grow their books of business or 3) find a better way to boost ROI through financial seminars.

Jeremiah Desmarais and his Advisorist research team conducted an exhaustive one-year study into the world of financial seminars in 2018. Specifically, how digital marketing for financial services is resurrecting the once-abandoned financial seminar as a source of qualified prospects.

Education is a priority at NAFA and we're delighted to have Mr. Desmarais speaking to our members to share the latest data from Advisorist. Not only is Jeremiah a top-selling author and TED speaker, but he is sitting on the most current data on seminars. He'll be sharing his insight with our members who lead the industry in the business of annuities.

Janet Terpening, Senior Director of Operations at NAFA

Advisorist talked with marketing firms and advisors to identify the marketing trends and choices available attracting the top producers. What they found were top advisors turning to digital marketing and educational seminars and reporting ROI as high as five to one and higher.

The result of the Advisorist research is the white paper “Seminars Are Back: The State of Seminar Marketing Services for Financial Advisors 2018.”

On Sept. 27, 2018, Desmarais will present his research on a NAFA (National Association for Fixed Annuities) education webinar. “Education is a priority at NAFA and we’re delighted to have Mr. Desmarais speaking to our members to share the latest data from Advisorist,” says Janet Terpening, senior director of operations at NAFA. “Not only is Jeremiah a top-selling author and TED speaker, but he is sitting on the most current data on seminars. He’ll be sharing his insight with our members who lead the industry in the business of annuities.”

Digital Marketing Rescues the Financial Seminar

“In their day — in the 1990s and earlier — elaborate direct mail campaigns invited high net worth prospects to dinner seminars on financial planning for retirement. And they worked. But the days of three percent ... four percent ... even five percent response rates are long gone,” says Desmarais. “It can take 10,000 invitations to just to register 100 attendees. Given the expenses of printing and postage, that’s just not acceptable. And then only to fill a room with prospects more interested in the free steak dinner than financial planning makes it even less appealing.”

The study examines how a handful of forward-thinking digital marketers are helping financial advisors discover a better — more profitable — way to conduct their seminars. Advisorist reports that once advisors try digital marketing and educational venues (libraries, community colleges and university facilities), they don’t look back.

For a fraction of the cost of direct mail, digital marketers using their proprietary algorithms can target ideal prospects on social media and the internet. The result? As one advisor explained, “Show me another program where you can write $500,000 at every event.”

What’s clear is that not only is digital marketing cost-effective, but the internet is where people of all ages are going for financial advice. According to a Spectrem Group survey, roughly 70 percent of affluent individual investors use social media.

NAFA Industry Webinar

In response to Advisorist’s white paper, Desmarais will address Field Marketing Organizations (FMOS), Carrier Executives and Insurance Marketing Organizations (IMOs) attending the NAFA (National Association for Fixed Annuities) education webinar on Sept. 27, 2018.

In this executive briefing, The State of Digital Marketing Services for Financial Advisors 2018: Metrics, Benchmarks & Strategies, the financial community will discover:

  • How To Set A Digital Marketing Strategy That Scales For Advisors
  • Digital Marketing Metrics To Get Higher Quality Annuity Buyers
  • The Precise Cost-Per-Attendee Metrics To Use For Budgeting
  • Case Studies Of Advisors Successfully Selling Annuities With A Digital Model
  • The 4 Components Of A Successful Digital Seminar Marketing Initiative For Annuity Sales
  • Analysis On Pricing And ROI Models From 3 Industry Vendors

In addition. Desmarais will hold a live Q&A session. All attendees will receive a copy of the 53-page “Seminars Are Back” white paper. The study is filled with the metrics, strategies and case studies for creating an annuity and financial product digital marketing strategy with seminars.

Jeremiah Desmarais, CEO of Advisorist, is the author of the No. 1 Amazon Best Seller SHIFT: 201 Instant-Action Proven Marketing Strategies to Sell More Insurance and Financial Products Now and 2015 TED presenter on “The Democratization of Marketing.” For the past 15 years, he has helped companies mired in traditional marketing utilize the power of disruptive digital strategies (e.g., social media, email and more). He is the founder of the Advisorist research and education firm.

The National Association for Fixed Annuities is a national trade association exclusively dedicated to promoting the awareness and understanding of fixed annuities. NAFA is the only association whose sole purpose is to advocate for fixed annuities and educate the public, regulators and legislators about the benefits of fixed annuities for retirement planning.

Source: Advisorist


Tags: digital marketing, financial planning, financial prospecting, financial services, insurance lead generation, retirement planning

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