Financial Woes Drive More Americans To Psychics

Alternative spiritual energy practitioners are eager to help new clients who are looking for new solutions while facing money issues and other problems as well. They bring unique talents to bear on real-world issues.

Psychics and mediums say that they're hearing from more new clients than ever before during these tough economic times. That's fine with many alternative spiritual energy practitioners (psychics, mediums, astrologers, tarot readers and others), who admit the reason they got into their field first and foremost was to help people.

Often, it takes some big life hurdle - or a combination of problems -- to drive a person to contact a psychic for help. Those problems can range from health issues to bumpy relationships to financial crises. During economic hard times, alternative spiritual energy practitioners encounter more and more people digging into their pockets for a personal session. Those new clients are often facing individual or family money issues while looking at the economy in general going through hard times. That ends up being a scary combination that propels them to seek new forms of help they hadn't previously considered.

Even skeptics admit that billions of dollars are spent on alternative spiritual energy practitioners all over the globe every year. The skeptics aside, many people feel - on a deep, personal level - that there are forces that affect our lives that can't be perceived by the five senses. Thus, they're drawn to find a psychic or medium or tarot reader to work with.

"There are perfectly ordinary people out there who feel their lives have been changed by a session with a psychic," says Chris Miller, Managing Partner of Soul Buffet, a website offering bookings with a wide variety of different types of alternative spiritual energy practitioners. "It's very common for someone to run into a stressful life situation, and to seek out a type of help they've never looked for before."

While practitioners in this field use different tools and techniques, generally they work with personal energies that often can't be perceived with the five senses. Sometimes, they'll communicate with angels and spirit guides and loved ones from the "other side." When it comes to our personal energy, Angel communicator Alison Kelly of Alpharetta, Georgia, says, "Within this energy are the answers to questions regarding your physical health, soul's purpose, and any subconscious beliefs that may be blocking you from experiencing a whole and balanced life."

Kelly smiles, and explains that this is always positive communication even in difficult situations. "For example, if you were in a relationship that was about to end or not serving your highest good; then the Angels would present you with some positive alternatives or other possibilities. They don't give any messages that leave you feeling hopeless. The Angels will always shine light on any situation."

People are often hesitant to consult a psychic because they don't really believe they can foretell the future. Actually, what most practitioners do is pick up on or sense vibrations and influences and possibilities. "I do not have a crystal ball, I do not know lottery numbers and I do not know when Mr. or Ms. Right will walk in the door," says intuitive psychic medium Lisa J. Smith of Bingham Falls, Michigan. "I do know about YOU and how we can work together to bring you joy, happiness, love and a new perspective into your life. I give you a different way of looking at things using my mediumship and intuitive abilities."

Alternative spiritual energy practitioners often end up being the "last resort" for people in various tough situations. Karen Deutsch, a psychic and intuitive reader in Columbus, Ohio, is called to consult by the police, medical personnel and mental health professionals. This phenomenon has been dramatized in the TV series, "Medium," based on a Phoenix, Arizona, practitioner, but Deutsch explains it in a very matter-of-fact way. Deutsch tells the story of a recent session with two women, an aunt and her grown niece; "I told the aunt that she would find work without looking. It would literally find her! I told her niece, who had not been feeling well, that I saw a tumor, and was concerned it might be serious. The aunt called me last week and said; she walked into a clothing store where the manager approached her and said she had "the look" to sell, and would she like a job? She accepted on the spot! Sadly, her niece did have a tumor, but was grateful that I disclosed the information, because after going to her OB/GYN and having scans and a biopsy, surgery was performed last Friday, and she is doing well."

Karen Deutsch says that her father had the same talents she does; he was both a surgeon and a medical intuitive, who used both his medical knowledge and his insight to help diagnose, treat and cure patients.

Many alternative spiritual energy practitioners say that even though financial issues might drive people to seek them out in the first place, often their clients end up dealing with a range of problems. "If they're worried about paying the bills," says Soul Buffet's Chris Miller, "they're often secondarily stressed out about a health condition that's exacerbated by worrying about money. Or, they're working two part-time jobs instead of one full-time job, which means the kids are into trouble because they're unsupervised more hours of the day."

"Plus," adds Miller, "Who are you going to talk with if you're having money troubles and relationship troubles and kid problems, too? Sometimes, going to see a psychic or medium just says that you're taking personal responsibility for your life, instead of blaming your problems on someone else."

Soul Buffet is the new place to book sessions with psychics, mediums, and other intuitive readers and spiritual healers, online at

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If you'd like more information or would like to schedule an interview with Chris Miller or any of the alternative spiritual energy practitioners mentioned here, call Chris at (503) 489-7685, or email him at [email protected].


Tags: financial, help, mediums, Personal, problems, psychics

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3691 Rawnsdale Road
Shaker Heights, Ohio