First-Ever Media Influencers Survey by Media Monitors Highlights that Public Relations Professionals Continue To Strive to Prove their Value
Online, August 12, 2010 ( - Singapore, 12 August 2010 - The Media Influencers Survey (MIS) conducted amongst PR and media professionals in Singapore showed that the greatest challenge for public relations professionals is determining the Return on Investment (ROI) for their communications campaigns (18%) followed by managing social media (16%) whilst the greatest challenge in the media industry is to strive to maintain and improve circulation or audience levels (19%) within limited budgets.
Conducted by Media Monitors, the survey aimed to determine the latest public relations and media trends in Singapore and Malaysia. The findings were presented at a seminar today, attended by over 100 public relations and media professionals. Media Monitors is the leading media intelligence company in the Asia Pacific region.
The MIS was conducted in June in both Singapore and Malaysia. There were a total of 378 responses, with 309 from public relations professionals and 69 from media across both countries. The media influencers seminar was conducted in conjunction with the launch of Media Monitors' latest media analysis solution - Media Influencers Survey.
According to Leon Hudson, General Manager - South East Asia, Media Monitors, "Today, more than ever before, the media has an influence on how an organisation is viewed. The media influencer's survey is our latest service and aims to evaluate media professionals by looking at their experience with an organisation, their opinions about products and services and their perception of a company's communication strategy. These insights can be used to further enhance existing relationships between public relations professionals and the media which will benefit both parties and the wider public. Our seminar this morning showcased our unique capabilities."
The MIS is part of a specially tailored suite of media intelligence products and services to assist public relations professionals to make sense of the media.
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About Media Monitors - Making Sense of the Media
Media Monitors is the leading media intelligence company in Asia-Pacific, with offices in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China. We deliver solutions to clients in media contact database and campaign release management: multilingual media monitoring across print, TV, radio, mainstream and social media online sources, and media analysis. We serve over 5,000 clients in government, corporations and public relations agencies. With over 800 employees across the region, Media Monitors offers the innovative solutions and robust media intelligence needed to confidently navigate today's sophisticated and complex media landscape.
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For media enquiries, please contact:
Nurlina Hussin
Marketing Communications Advisor - South East Asia
Tel: 603 - 2730 1614 (DID)
Fax: 603 - 2730 1680
Email: [email protected]
Tags: Leon Hudson, media analysis, Media Monitors, public relations