First Human Cloned Ultrasound

Dr. Kimberly Gabriel,lead OB/GYN of Helix Genesis Labs (HGL), who's name has been concealed to protect her safety, released Obstetric ultrasound videos of the cloned human embryos which have come to be known as 'The Helix Three'

In a press conference today, Helix Genesis Labs lead OB/GYN "Dr. Kimberly Gabriel" screened the first obstetric ultrasound videos of the cloned embryos that have come to be called 'The Helix Three'. Dr. Gabriel estimated that the embryos were each at roughly 8 weeks gestation and assured that each of 'The Helix Three' appeared to be developing normally. Explained Gabriel, "Subjects 1 and 2 have a heart rate of about 95 bpm, which is ideal at 8 weeks. Subject 3 is a bit higher, at 109 bpm. Though this is still considered normal, it is at the high end of what I'd like to see at 8 weeks and observations will occur at normal intervals to ensure the continued success of this project."

"These videos mark the first of many ultrasounds that Dr. Gabriel will conduct," stated "Dr. Gibson," founder and director of research at HGL who's name has been concealed to protect him from violent threats stated, "In the coming months, we expect to find that each of The Helix Three are developing normally, similar to naturally occurring fetus." Plans were discussed to conduct a second ultrasound March 29, 2011.

When asked to comment on the health of the surrogates, Dr. Gabriel was positive stating, "The surrogates are given around the clock care and their quarters at HGL are very comfortable. Thus far, they are all experiencing normal side-effects of pregnancy: morning sickness, cramping at times, and mild water retention. My observations suggest that the surrogates' progress is healthy on all counts."

Dr. Gibson stated, "Dr. Gabriel is one of the very best OB/GYN in the field, which is why she was selected to oversee the cloning project at HGL. The surrogates are very lucky to be under the care of such an experienced doctor."

R.K Peters, a representative for HGL, announced that in the coming weeks HGL plans to release data which will conclusively show that the 'Helix Three' are all identical to their source DNA.

For more information on the human cloning efforts of Helix Genesis Labs and to view ultrasound video of 'The Helix Three' visit:

Or call: (304) 58-HELIX (304) 584-3549


Tags: clone, human, ultrasound

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