First Management Workshop Organized by RNB Global University for BBA and MBA Students.

There was a management workshop held at the seminar hall at the RNB Global University.

As the first step to bring together all candidates in a forum to participate at an intellectual level giving them an overview of the requirements of Recruitments with the corporates.

The workshop was attended by candidates of all batches and was conducted by the Convener for the Center of Leadership and Development along with the conveners of the Event Management Committee.

After a brief session of a psychometric analysis of self-reflections, it was a round of extempore questions and answers, where the candidates selected the interjectors themselves.

The next on card was two rounds of Group Discussions specifying the QR of Group Discussions and analyzing the Gap to be cemented in further discussions.

Post lunch the candidates indulged into a discussion why Skill Enhancement is a very important peripheral for the candidates looking for jobs barring the degrees they acquire from educational institutes.

While winding up the candidates were told about the next workshop which would be on Business Plan Presentations.

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Tags: college, university, workshop

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