First Time in Asia, Coaching Experts To Speak At Shanghai Coaching Conference on March 19th, 2010

The IAC is thrilled to announce a very special coaching conference in Shanghai, China on March 19, 2010. The Shanghai Chapter of the IAC has organized this conference to exchange information and support the development of high quality coaching.

The International Association of Coaching (IAC) is thrilled to announce a very special coaching conference in Shanghai, China on March 19, 2010. The Shanghai Chapter of the IAC has taken the initiative to organize this conference to exchange information and support the development of high quality coaching in this region.

If you are a professional coach or corporate executive taking a coaching approach, this is an excellent opportunity for you to meet about 100 attendees from China and other countries for innovative and collaborative exchange and learning.

Coach Natalie Tucker Miller, IAC Lead Certifier from the USA, is the keynote speaker for this event. Natalie has the greatest in-depth knowledge of the IAC Coaching Masteries®-essential elements of masterful coaching which translate into any coaching methodology or culture. Other prestigious speakers from Japan, Hong Kong and Shanghai will lead workshops on subjects covering executive coaching, corporate coaching culture and more.

For more information on the conference and to register, please go to

The IAC is known for its mission in advancing coaching to the highest standards of universal excellence. Founded in the USA in 2003, the unique combination of openness to diversity and dedication to quality makes the IAC the perfect organization to support coaching's development throughout the world. The IAC is now growing rapidly in Asia with 8 IAC chapters, located in East and South East Asia, actively sharing high quality standards and learning tools with local coaches. For more information on other chapters around the world:


For more information on the conference, please contact Bonnie Chan @ [email protected] or visit the IAC site @


Tags: coach, Coaching Conference, conference, shanghai

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International Association of Coaching
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