"Fish in a Barrel": A No-Cast Live Bait Fishing System
New York, NY, January 23, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Wikipedia states that fishing is an ancient practice but more modern people consider it a sport; although in some cases it is an industry providing food for a multitude of people globally where fishing is considered a major source of food. But, whatever the case, the sport of fishing is enjoyed by many. The Fish In A Barrel is perfect for attracting game fish during nighttime or daytime.
Fish In A Barrel is a no-cast live bait fishing system designed to attract fish by creating a lighted bait ball using LEDs (lights) and bait during either the day or night. It employees a trolley weight to deliver live bait to the clear plastic bait holder which can be fished at the surface, middle, or bottom of a body of water. It can be used through the ice, or in the surf from a boat or pier. The design intent is to catch fish without the need to cast a rod while simultaneously attracting game fish. Televised test marketing has recently been completed indicating strong consumer interest in Fish In A Barrel.
The Patent Pending Fish In A Barrel was invented by William E. Mixon, III of Corpus Christi, TX who said, “This device allows the fisherman/fisherwoman to attract and catch fish without ever having to cast a line. It is perfect for both fresh water or saltwater and works equally well in icy cold waters. What makes it even more perfect is that it is a good way for seniors and/or handicapped persons to fish without having to cast out a line. My prototype works perfectly.”
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EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Dept at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107—New York, NY. Tel: 212-620-2629. www.invents.com
INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue — Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123
CONTACT: Jeanne Nelson Media Dept: 9629 Tel: 646-503-4817 Jeanne@invents.com
Tags: Fish In A Barrel, Fishing, Invents Company