FITWIN.COM, a Social Community of Health and Fitness Success Stories, Inspires Others to Lose Weight

FITWIN has launched a new website,, a social community dedicated to fitness, nutrition and healthy living. offers the largest comprehensive database of weight loss “before and after” success stories online with over 10.2 tons of weight lost among its community members. FITWIN has positioned itself as the place to connect online with like-minded individuals to share successes around weight loss.

According to, the obesity rate among U.S. adults in 2015 climbed to a new high of 28.0%, up 2.5 percentage points since 2008. This represents an increase of about 6.1 million U.S. adults who are obese. serves as a place of inspiration for, as FITWIN coins them, “FITWANTS,” who need a bit of motivation to get started on their weight loss journey. By registering at and searching their database of users, FITWANT users can find profiles of weight loss successes (FITWINS) similar to themselves giving them the encouragement that change is possible for them as well.

Through support from family and coaching, I eventually lost over 60 pounds. Experiencing success, I wanted to share my personal struggles and successes of my journey but had a hard time finding a platform dedicated to doing so. The only available platforms were social pages such as Facebook, but they were not specific to fitness and weight loss.

Raye Ackerman, Founder, CEO

When asked why he wanted to start FITWIN, founder/CEO Raye Ackerman stated, “seeing a picture of myself from a family vacation scared the hell out of me and I knew I had to make a lifestyle change. Through support from family and coaching, I eventually lost over 60 pounds. Experiencing success, I wanted to share my personal struggles and successes of my journey but had a hard time finding a platform dedicated to doing so. The only available platforms were social pages such as Facebook, but they were not specific to fitness and weight loss. FITWIN will now fill that void to help people share their fitness journey so others can relate and be inspired.” also features free Fitness, Nutrition and Wellness Challenges to encourage people to begin their FITWIN journey through the power of group encouragement. Wellness Challenges provide accountability and support as a group bands together to reach a common goal. Challenge topics rotate on a monthly basis and recent Challenges included: 7 Day Breakfast, 3 Day Move More at Work, 14 Day Increase your Fiber, 3 Day Food Journaling and 3 Days to a Happier You. Extra motivation to participate is provided by FITWIN with valuable prizes for participants including FitBit Alta tracking bands, Nutri Ninja blenders, free health coaching, Visa Cash Cards, FITWIN shirts and more.

For users needing support and accountability to conquer their weight loss goals, offers affordable, customized online fitness and nutrition coaching programs. FITWIN’s team of health coaches are trained to help clients address the behavioral factors that impact their weight and health. Clients set goals around healthy eating, starting an exercise program and stress reduction and learn to overcome psychological barriers that keep them from achieving their goals. To work with a personal trainer or health coach in person, clients would typically pay over $100 per session. With, the same results can be achieved for just over $10 a week and clients can train from the comfort of their own home.

FITWIN Health Coach Emily Barker stated what is most rewarding about working with FITWIN’s online coaching clients, “I enjoy helping clients make healthy lifestyle shifts so that they can feel their best and most vibrant selves. I find it incredibly rewarding to support my clients in achieving goals which they never thought possible!” Making sustainable change is challenging and clients find working with an online health coach keeps them accountable allowing them to make greater change than they could achieve alone.

After reaching a weight loss plateau, FITWIN user Nick Hanlon, sought online coaching. Nick stated, "having the knowledge of a trained professional has jump started my weight loss again after a long stall. My coach has been incredibly helpful by providing encouragement, as well as giving me great ideas on nutrition and different meal options. The personalized support and accountability has been a huge plus and much better than I could have hoped for!"  

Another unique feature of is their video conferencing support group page. Users have the opportunity to join scheduled educational sessions on a variety of fitness and nutrition topics, ask questions and gain support via a virtual support group. Sample topics include: Why Diets Don’t Work and What Does, How to Conquer your Food Cravings for Good and Exercise Strategies to Maximize Results.


A social community of like-minded individuals who share details, pictures and stories about their everyday healthy successes for the purpose of education and promotion of healthy living. Services also include health and nutrition coaching by providing accountability, expertise and inspiration to learn, grow, and achieve fitness goals from FITWIN’s certified coaches. FITWIN is based in Boise, Idaho with employees in New Market, Canada. For more information about FITWIN, go to


Raye Ackerman, an entrepreneur, is the CEO and founder of, ITS-Dispatch, Blue Collar Software and The Foundation for Student Achievement Canada. 

For more information, contact:
Juan Cardenas, General Manager
910 Main Street, Suite 316
Boise, ID 83702



Tags: before and after, chronic disease, digital coaching exercise, Fitness, Health, nutrition, obesity, personal training, social network, success stories, transformation, Weight Loss

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