Flashlight Global Market Forecast & Analysis 2015 - 2022

This is the analysis and forecast of the worldwide use of flashlights, segmented by the major geographic regions.

​​This is the analysis and forecast of the worldwide use of flashlights, segmented by the major geographic regions. In some areas outside of North America, flashlights are often referred to as “torches.” Flashlights are portable electric-powered light source. The primary power source of a flashlight is batteries (rechargeable or disposable); however, power sources can often include ultra-capacitors, electromagnetic induction, solar power, and hand powered dynamos.

Market Forecast, By Region

The market data are segmented into the following geographic regions, plus a Global summary; separate data-sheets are provided for the U.S.A. and Rest of the America region, as sub-sets of the America region:



United States of America (sub-set of America)

Rest of America (sub-set of America)

EMEA (Europe, Middle East, plus Africa)

APAC (Asia Pacific)

Market Forecast Application Categories

This market forecast of each product-type by the following end-user type (application) categories:



Military/Law Enforcement/First Responders

Other Government-Sector


View Full Report @  http://www.aarkstore.com/electronics/183543/flashlight-global-market-forecast-analysis-2015-2022 


Casing: Durable/stronger and/or lighter material, design/color, other

Circuit, Contact, Interior Parts, Switch: energy-efficiency, spark-proof, durability

Reflector: Durable, designs to increase reflectance and lumen/brightness, other

Lens, Lens Seal and Face Cap: Durable, focus-ability/adjustable, heat-resistance, other

Light Source: Durable, size, lumen/brightness, energy-efficiency, spark-proof, life-capacity (hours), other

Recharging Interface: Integration design from flashlight to recharge unit, material, size, durability, other

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

 1.1. Overview - Global Flashlight Market Forecast and Analysis

 1.2. Unpackaged and Packaged LEDs - Overview

 1.3. Military/Harsh Environments

 1.4. Barriers to Growth in the Military/Government Sector

 1.5 . Explosion-Proof LED-based Flashlights

 1.6. LEDs Used in Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS)

 2. Global Flashlight Market Forecast by Application

 2.1. Overview


 United States of America (USA)

 Rest of America (ROA)

 Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)

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Tags: Electronics Market Research Reports, Flashlight Market, Global Flashlight Market, Industry Research Reports, Market Research Reports

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